Leo Valdez X Reader - Rainy Days

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Whenever it rained you were always found right next to a window or outside dancing. It was your favorite and you couldn't get enough of it. But that was before Camp. You always hated the magical barrier that kept the "bad" weather out. So when it rained, you snuck out. You may have gotten caught a couple of times by Argus or Chiron, but that never stopped you from doing it again.

So after your eleventh time sneaking out and getting caught, Chiron gave you a proposition. When it rained, you would be able to go outside of the barrier. You just had to have someone with you. You agreed on the spot. Most of the time Clarisse went with you, but when she said no, you got either Percy or Leo to go with you. Those three were your best friends and they didn't like to see you sad. Sad was never a good sign with you.

It was in the middle of summer when the first big storm hit. Clarisse was at her home in Phoenix visiting her mom so you couldn't ask her. Percy was out with Annabeth on a movie date so he was out. That left Leo. Now, the only person that didn't know you liked Leo was Leo. And the only person that didn't know that Leo liked you, was you. It was always an odd dance with you two, but you thought it would just be friendship on the table so you never pursued an actual relationship.

Percy and Clarisse always told you that he liked you, but you didn't want to risk anything. It was the same with Leo. Percy kept telling and telling him that you had the biggest crush on him. Leo brushed it off every time, saying that you could never like him. After all, who does?

When Percy told you that he said that, your heart dropped. Did he really feel that way about himself? How did you never notice? Were you that bad of a friend? That made up your mind. You'd tell him. You just had to find the right time. When you walked out of your cabin, you ran right into the man himself. Bracing yourself for when you hit the ground, you fell. Right into his arms.

"Are you okay [y/n]? Oh gods," he said, worry evident in his voice.

"I'm fine," you said with a small giggle. "Do you wanna go play in the rain with me?"

"I was heading over here to ask you that." Leo scratched the back of his head. "Guess you beat me to it."

"Come on then silly!" You grabbed his hand and ran up to Thalia's tree.

"This is supposed to be a big one, so be prepared for cold," you warned Leo.

"I doubt it'll be that co– ohmygods!"

You had pushed him across the barrier mid-sentence and laughed a belly laugh at his reaction. You were too caught up laughing to see him walking towards you. All of a sudden, he picked you up and spun you around. You yelped at the coldness of the rain and it was his turn to laugh.

"Not so funny now, eh princess?"

"Put me down!" You said between giggles.

"Nope! This is revenge for pushing me."

After a couple minutes, you got free and started chasing him around. The both of you were slipping and sliding in the muddy grass, having the time of your lives. Somehow you ended up being chased by Leo. You let out a little shriek and he laughed. You slipped on a patch of mud and fell. Leo caught you, but ended up falling on top of you because of the same mud.

The two of you started laughing hard. Once your laughter died out, you opened your eyes. Leo was staring at you intently. After a few seconds, he leaned in, putting his forehead on yours and closed his eyes. You took a deep breath and kissed him. His eyes widened in shock, but immediately kissed you back. A minute later, the two of you broke apart. Giggles bubbled past your lips and Leo couldn't stop grinning.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that," Leo said lowly.

"I think I do," you bantered back. He barked out a laugh and leaned in to kiss you again. You put your hand in front of his lips. Leo pulled back, confusion on his face.

"As much as I love kissing you, kissing in the mud is a smidge uncomfortable."

"Fair enough." He got up and helped you stand before attacking you with tickles. Shrieking, you wiggled to get out of his arms when he turned you around and kissed you deeply. His hands went around your waist to the small of your back while yours went around his neck and into his hair. Leo pulled you closer after the kiss and buried his nose in your hair.

"This better than laying in the mud?"

"Yes," you said. You looked up at him before lightly touching his nose with your finger. You broke free from his grasp and started running down the hill.

"If you catch me you can get another kiss!" You yelled over your shoulder.

"You won't get too far princess!" Leo shouted before taking off after you. 

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