Dad! Makoto X Child! Reader - Fireplaces

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It was supposed to be a nice day. Key word supposed. It actually started out that way. Nice and sunny with a little breeze, nothing like what it was now. It had turned from the high nineties to around sixty-three degrees in a matter of minutes. The light breeze had turned into twenty mph winds and it was horrible. What was worse is that you and your dad were walking in it.

"Hold onto my hand sweetheart," your dad said to you.

"Okay daddy." Your grip on his hand got tighter but he was still having trouble keeping hold of you. Because of that, he picked you up. Your tiny arms went around his neck and you held on for dear life. You were still a ways from your house and you were starting to get scared.

"It's okay [y/n]," he said. "We're almost home."

You only nodded and buried your head in his neck. Every time a particularly strong gust of wind hit, your arms squeezed tighter and you tensed up. Your dad rubbed your back each time and said that everything would be alright. Soon, you were at your house.

"We're home little one." You tentatively rose your head and saw that he was right. He set you down and went to turn off the air conditioning when he saw that you were shivering.

"Go sit in front of the fire," he said. You did and within seconds, it was lit and roaring.

"That better [y/n]?" You nodded and climbed into his lap. Your shivering went down and after a while, your dad looked down to see you fast asleep. He smiled and put some of your hair behind your ear.

He got up slowly and went to your room. Putting you on your bed, he kissed your forehead and covered you with your blankets.

"Sleep well, little one."

Various X ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora