Tony X Reader - Broken and Gone

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Okay! Little info before you read. This is a platonic relationship between Tony and Reader. They are best friends and a lot like siblings. Tony is like Readers big brother.

Rain poured down from the sky. Puddles were formed quickly and children were out splashing and having a good time. You were inside, just sitting on a chair with a cold cup of tea in your hands. You stared at the wall, tears forming in your eyes. Memories flashed through your head and you let out a choked sob.


He was your first friend.

"Hi. My name's [y/n]," you said shyly to the boy sitting next to you.

"Hey [y/n]. My name is Tony," He said with a smile. You smiled back then the teacher started to talk.


He was a giant pain in the ass.

"Psst! [Y/n]!" Tony whispered to you. You didn't look up until Tony kicked your leg.

"What do you want Tony?" You said lowly.

"Can I see your cheat-sheet?"

"After I'm done with it. Why do you need it anyways? You're smart!"

"Not in history!" He made a little scene and you tried hard not to laugh. The teacher saw, but you didn't notice.

"Mr. Stark and Miss [l/n]. Do I need to take away your tests and give you both zeros?" Mr. Ace said.

"No sir," you said before Tony could speak. "We'll be quiet."

"Alright. But one more peep and you both fail my class."

"Understood sir." Tony was about to talk, but you pinched his thigh. He squeaked and you gave him a death stare. Tony met your gaze, flinched then went back to his test.

When you were done with your test, you passed him the sheet. Written on it were the words, 'Sorry 'bout that. I just didn't want to fail. I couldn't afford that. Wanna get some DQ after school?' Tony smiled and nudged your knee with his own affectionately. A smile went on your face and you laid your head down on your arms.


He was your best friend.

"We have like three classes together this year dude!" You said excitedly.

"What classes?" Tony asked.

"Math, science and English."

"So you're taking anatomy too? And calculus?"

"Yup! This year is going to be amazing!" Tony laughed and you gave him the biggest smile you could muster.


So why did it have to end like this?

"I'm going into the Navy," Tony said to you. You looked at him weirdly.


"I'm joining the Navy," he repeated.

"I'm happy for you, but why?"

"I don't know. It just feels right."

"Okay. Are you joining after high school?" You asked.

"Yeah. Right after high school."


He had left you.

"I leave on November 10th."


His little sister.

"Be safe okay?" You said as the two of you hugged.

"I will."

"Know that if you die, I'm going to bring you back and kill you myself." Tony let out a laugh.

"I know you will. But you don't have to worry. I'm going to come back."




And he did come back.

"I'm sorry Miss [l/n]."


Just not the way you wanted him to.

You broke down in front of the man who brought you the letter. He gave you a look of sympathy and handed you some of Tony's things.

"He stated that he wanted these to go to you if he died," the man said. "They're his personal effects and some souvenirs from where he was stationed."

You took the box and sniffed.

"Thank you sir."



"Why Tony?" You said into your pillow. "Why did you have to go?"


He had broken his promise.

"You pinky-swore too."


He was gone.

You soon learned to deal with that fact. But every year, twice a year, you mourned. On his birthday and the day he died.


There was nothing you could do.

Your best friend and big brother was gone.


You were broken and he was gone.

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