Dad! England X Child! Reader - Daddy Daughter Dates

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You never had a mother. She died in childbirth delivering you. Sure, you always wondered what it would be like to have a mom, but you were content with your dad and uncles. Your dad treated you like a princess and never, ever blamed you for the death of his wife. The two of you made a happy little family.

Ever since you could see the little things, you noticed how sad your daddy got on Valentine's Day. So every year since you were three, you had done something with him for that special day. You went on daddy-daughter dates all the time, but Valentine's Day was your favorite. You got to dress up and you would get candy. Your daddy loved it too.

The morning of Valentine's Day, you were woken up by your dad knocking on your door.

"Good morning pumpkin," he said. "You ready for our special day?"

"Yeah!" You got your six-year-old butt out of bed and bounded to your closet.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs!" Your daddy called to you while he was leaving.

"Okay!" You yelled back.

Your door closed and you started humming a random tune you had just made up as you picked out your outfit for the day. You settled on a bright blue dress with white polka dots. After getting dressed, you flew out of your room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The smell of French toast and bacon hit your nose along with hot chocolate. Your eyes lit up when your dad put your plate in front of you. The French toast was buttered to perfection and cut up into little squares with syrup poured over it and the bacon. The hot chocolate had marshmallows and whipped cream on top, and because it was a special day, rainbow sprinkles were on it too.

"Thank you daddy!" You said before digging in.

"You're welcome sweetheart." While you were busy eating, your dad walked away and brought a bag with him when he returned. He set it down on the seat next to you and waited for you to see it.

"Is this for me?" You asked. He nodded and took a sip of coffee.

"It is. Open it." You opened it and saw some candy along with a penguin stuffed animal.

"It's so cute!" You screeched. Your dad has to hide his grin/grimace behind the cup.

"I thought you'd like it. Now time to brush your teeth and do your hair."

"Okay daddy!" You put your dishes in the sink with the help of your dad and skipped to the bathroom. After two minutes, you came out holding your brush and a couple of hair ties.

"How do you want your hair done today?" Your dad asked you.

"Pigtails please!"

"Pigtails it is." He got to work making your pigtails even and high. After he put them up, he put two bright pink pom-pom's on them.

"There we go, all done!" Your dad said. "You ready to go out now?"

"Yes!" You grabbed your new toy and walked out of your house.

The two of you walked hand-in-hand to the local park where you spent a good couple of hours playing together. Once it was lunch time, your dad took you to a coffee shop. You split a turkey sandwich and a root beer float. After lunch you went to the library and your dad read you Harry Potter as you cuddled up to him. The librarians thought that it was super cute and you got a sticker.

"What do you say [y/n]?" Your dad said.

"Thank you Mrs. Welle," you said. r

"You're welcome sweetie." You waved goodbye and took your dad's outstretched hand before leaving.

"We have three more hours before dinner. Do you want to do see a movie?"

"Can we watch Moana again? Please daddy!" You begged, eyes wide.

"Of course we can pumpkin." After all, who could say no to that face?

During the movie, you were quietly singing along to every song. Your mouth moved along to every word and the rooster never failed to make you laugh your infectious laugh. After the movie was over, your dad carried you out of the theater while you talked loudly about your favorite part of the movie (all of it!). Everything was accompanied with hand movements and dramatic noises. Then it was time for dinner.

Olive Garden was your favorite restaurant so your dad had gotten a reservation. There was a big line when you got there, but it dwindled down surprisingly quickly and you two were seated in no time. You got the fettuccine alfredo kids meal and your dad got the shrimp scampi. For dessert there was a giant brownie with vanilla ice cream.

In the middle of dessert, you started falling asleep. That was when your dad called it a night. He got all the leftovers in a box, cleaned you up and went home. After changing you into your puppy pajamas and tucking you in with your new penguin friend, he kissed you on the forehead.

"I love you so much [y/n]. Goodnight pumpkin," your dad said before leaving the room. 

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