Oswald Cobblepot X Blind! Musician! Reader - Smells Like Fish

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"Stop hurting him!" You cried as some of Fish Mooney's thugs held you back.

"You know I can't do that honey," Fish said. "He's getting what he deserves."

"Let—let go of her." Mooney looked down at Cobblepot.

"What did you say?"

"I s-said to let g-go of her."

"Or you'll do what?"

"I'll beat a-all of you at your own g-game." After Cobblepot said that, everyone but you laughed.

"You know that it will happen!" You said, still trying to get out of their grasp.

"It won't happen sweetheart," Mooney said.

"Yes it will! Oswald and I can see that it will!"

"But you can't even see," Butch said. You turned your head in his direction.

"So? Y'all are going to get your asses kicked by Oswald and your empire is going to crumble down until it's just dust.

That was when Fish Mooney slapped you. You let out a cry and you could hear Oswald fighting the people that were beating him. Your face was grabbed and you felt a very close presence.

"Listen well little one. That is never going to happen and you want to know why?" Mooney's voice became really sweet. "Your little Penguin is going to be killed."


"Oh yes. He's going to be shot and dumped into the river. Harvey is even here to bring him there."

"You're evil," you said as you held back tears.

"I know that honey. And boy am I good at it." Some scuffling was heard and you knew that he was being taken away.

"No! Don't take him! Please don't take him," you pleaded.

"It's too late for that [y/n]," Mooney said. "But since I'm feeling a little generous, I'll let you two say goodbye."

You were released and was soon being embraced. Knowing it was Oswald because of the strong copper smell, you hugged him back.

"I am so sorry my love," Oswald murmured lowly. "I'm sorry you got mixed up in all of this and that you got hurt."

"It's fine. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything," you were crying heavily now and you felt Cobblepot brush away your tears with his thumbs.

"You did all that you could." He kissed the back of your hand then your forehead. You were about to answer, but Mooney interrupted.

"Alright. That's enough. It's time to go," she said. Oswald was ripped away from you and you fell to your knees as your tears flowed freely again.

"I love you Oswald!" You cried.

"I love you too [y/n]," he said. You could hear him still trying to get back to you, but you knew it was of no use. The door slammed shut and the room became deathly silent.

"Well wasn't that exciting," Mooney said. She put her hand on your head and started to pet your hair.

"Calm down love. With your looks, you can get anyone you wanted." You stared off and even if you weren't blind, you wouldn't have seen anything.

"But I already had the one I wanted."


Because of what happened and what you knew, you were still stuck with Fish Mooney. You had become her personal musician a couple days after the love of your life was killed. The music helped even if you were playing it for her.

One day after Mooney let you go home, you were stopped by someone. Their hand was on your upper-arm and you almost threw them over your shoulder.

"Whoa! Hold on I'm not going to hurt you," a man said.

"How do I know?" You were still tense and didn't relax even after he removed his hand.

"I just need to tell you something. Follow me." His presence disappeared and you just stood there.

"Well aren't you coming?"

"I can't really see," you said as you waved your hand in front of your face.

"Sorry. Can you take my arm?" You nodded and reached out. His hand guided yours to his arm and the two of you set off. After a bit of walking, you stopped in an unfamiliar part of town.

"Where are we?" You asked the mysterious man. "And who are you?"

"We're near my apartment and my name is Jim Gordon."

"J-Jim Gordon?!" You yanked your hand away from his arm and started to walk backwards. You heard him sigh and walk towards you.

"Stay away!"

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, not coming any closer.

"Are you going to s-s-shoot me?"

"Shoot you?"

"Like you did Oswald!"

"Of course they told you it was me," he muttered. "Well I'm not going to shoot you. Just like I didn't shoot Oswald."

"Yes you did! If you didn't he'd be back by now!" Tears welled up in your eyes and you quickly wiped them away.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

"[Y/n], wait." You froze.


"Yes. It's me," Oswald said. He walked forward and when he got close enough, you flipped him over your shoulder.

"I guess I deserved that," he said, pain in his voice.

"You guess?! Of course you deserved that you dummy!" Oswald gave a weak chuckle and you threw your arms around him, encasing his torso. He hugged you back and you started to cry.

"Don't cry. It's alright now." He kissed the top of your head and held you close as you sobbed happy tears. Gordon was left forgotten and he left awkwardly.

"I love you Oswald," you said into his jacket.

"I love you too [y/n]." 

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