Gray X Child! Reader - Surprise!!

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  Today was your birthday and you couldn't be happier or more excited. It was a big birthday too. Your fourth birthday to be exact and you were expecting a lot of presents from everybody. Your excitement had woken you up early, so you were sitting in your bed, waiting for someone to come and get you. You heard footsteps and started to bounce up and down with excitement. The door opened to reveal Gray.

"Time to get up [y/n]," Gray said. "We have a long day ahead of us."

"Okay!" Flying out of bed, you went to your closet and put on a white shirt with a purple heart studded on it and some jeans.

"Is this okay?" You asked Gray.

"Perfect," he replied as he tried to keep a grin off of his face. You walked over to him and he picked you up.

"So what are we doing today?" You wanted him to tell you on his own that he remembered your birthday, so you didn't tell him anything. Although you did drop some very "subtle" hints.

"We have a lot of errands to do before four." Your face fell and you couldn't keep the disappointment out of your voice.

"Oh," you said softly.

"Yea. It's gonna be boring."

'Maybe Gray just forgot and the rest of the guild will help him remember!' You thought.

"Can we visit the guild first though? I want to see everyone."

"But you see them every day! Why do you want to see them now?"

"I just do!" Knowing that nothing would change your mind, Gray sighed and started the walk to the guild.


Right when you walked into the guild, something came hurtling at you and Gray. Gray couldn't access both of his hands while carrying you, so you put up a force-field in front of the both of you. Even though you had barely turned four, you were very good with your magic. It help that you had an amazing teacher to boot.

"What's your problem fire-head!" Gray yelled at Natsu. "You almost hit [y/n]!"

At the mention of you, the whole guild hall went silent.

"Why is [y/n] here Gray? You know that she can't be here," Erza said. Your eyes widened.

You couldn't be here? Was she talking about forever? Were you banned from the guild and never allowed back? If you were paying attention to how her voice sounded, you would've known that your thoughts were wrong. But you were only four years old and just couldn't comprehend it. So you did the natural thing. You ran and looked for a place to hide.


You ran until you couldn't run anymore. Panting heavily, you looked around at your surroundings. Nothing seemed to pop out at you, then you saw a toy shop. It was painted with bright colors and it beckoned out to you. Eyes wide and brain curious, you walked through the doors.


"Where the hell could she have gone?" Gray said as he and Natsu searched high and low all over Magnolia for you.

"I have no idea," Natsu said.

"Let's look through a kids eyes." They tried that, but it didn't work. Gray was getting frustrated and angry and he just wanted to find you before something happened to you and he wasn't there to stop it. Right when the two boys turned a corner, a voice called out.

"Hey! Give that back!" Laughter and more yells could be heard after that and Gray started to run towards it. The sight he was met with made his blood boil.

Three boys were crowding you. They were playing keep-away and poking at you. Sometimes they went as far as to push you if you got too close to getting your toy you just bought back. Tears were starting to form in your eyes and when the boys noticed, they laughed harder.

"Aww! Wook at the wittle baby!" One of them said.

"Is the wittle baby crying?"

"Grow up baby." That was when Gray had enough.

"Hey! Get away from my little sister you fucking brats!" He went to perform some ice magic but before he could, the leader of the boys recognized him.

"Shit! That's a Fairy Tail mage!" He said as he scrambled to get away. Not knowing what to do without their leader, the other boys followed his lead and ran away, dropping your toy in the process. After sending one last glare in their direction, Gray ran over to you. He picked you up and held you close to his chest.

"Why did you run away [y/n]? Everyone was worried sick!" He said into your hair.

"You heard what Erza said. I wasn't supposed to be there anymore." You sniffled and hiccupped.

"Oh [y/n]. She didn't mean it like that," Gray said as he pushed your hair out of your face.

"Then how did she mean it?"

"Why don't we go back to the guild and you can see for yourself." Not really wanting to go back there but not wanting to say no to Gray, you nodded your head meekly.


Your head was lying on Gray's shoulder when you approached the guild. He nudged it and you looked up as you went into the guild. You furrowed your eyebrows when you were inside.

"Why is it so dark?" You asked Gray. He just smiled.

"You'll see."

Suddenly, the lights were on again and everyone was yelling.

"Happy birthday!" Your eyes filled with happy tears and you started to sob into Gray's shoulder.

"Happy birthday baby girl," Gray said to you. You looked up and he kissed your forehead.

"Now let's go eat some cake!" You laughed and forgot about everything that happened before this moment. You were wrong after all. Nobody forgot about your birthday nor did they want you to leave. Now that you think about it, Gray wouldn't have let that happen anyways. So why were you worried in the first place?  

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