Honey Lemon X Fem! Reader - Days Out

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  Today was a lazy day for you. Well, it was supposed to be until your overexcited and adorable girlfriend came over.

"[Y/n]!" Honey Lemon said as she joined you on the couch.


"You should come with us to the mall today," she said. You looked at your TV and sighed.

"Sure. I wasn't really doing anything anyways," you said. A grin broke out on her face and you couldn't help but smile back. She took your hand and pulled you up and off of the couch.

"Let's go then!" With the smile still on your face, you put your shoes on and grabbed your bag. Honey Lemon found your hand again ams dragged you outside where the rest of the gang was waiting.

"What's up guys?" You said as a chorus of hello's greeted you.

"I'm glad you could join us," Tadashi said.

"I wasn't doing anything else and you know I love hanging out with you guys."

The car ride to the mall was filled with jokes and laughter. You were holding Honey Lemon's and was loving every second of it.


Soon enough, you were at the mall. Wasabi parked the car and after everyone was out, you walked to the nearest entrance. You could tell that there was a fun-filled day full of shopping and laughter ahead of you.

Sometime after lunch Hiro, Fred and Wasabi left you and the others. Now it was only a couples group and looking like a double-date kind of day. The respective couples were holding hands and going about the mall, minding their own business. Then a few people had to go and be assholes.

"The guy in the hat and the girl with the gum are so cute together," one woman said to her friend.

"They are. But why are they with that gay couple? Don't they know that gays are bad?" Her friend said.

Honey Lemon squeezed your hand. "Don't listen to them [Y/n]," she said. Tadashi and Go-Go nodded their heads.

"She wants to get a rise out of you," Go-Go said. "Don't give her that satisfaction."

All you could do was nod. You squeezed your girlfriends hand back and she gave you a smile. She bent down and kissed your cheek, making you blush at the affection. The women from before gagged and gasped audibly and you had had enough.

You let go of Honey Lemon's hand and grabbed the front of her shirt, effectively pulling her down to your level before kissing her straight on the lips. After the kiss was over, you turned to face the women.

"Stop acting like you know everything and that you're always right," you said to them. "So what I just kissed a girl? She's my girlfriend and I love her. Now get over it and run along to your hateful book study."

The women looked shocked and scandalized. Then one of them spoke up.

"Why are you talking to your elders like that?" She scolded. "Take back those words and apologize!"

You gave her the finger, took Honey Lemon's hand again and walked away. Your girlfriends face was priceless along with your friends.

"Where did all of that come from [Y/n]?" Honey Lemon asked with a blush on her face.

"I'm sick and tired of hearing those comments so I finally said something," you said.

"Did you mean what you said? About you loving me." You stopped and looked at her.

"I did. I love you Honey Lemon. I truly do." Honey Lemon's face lit up and she kissed you soundly.

"I love you too," she said against your lips.

"Now let's go get some ice cream!" You let out a laugh and followed your love. Taking her hand, you placed a kiss on the back of it.

'I love you more than you could ever think,' you thought as she dragged you to the store. 'More than you think.'  

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