Hinata X Reader - Colors

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Today was the day, you could feel it. Today was the day when you were going to finally meet your soulmate. You'd be able to see in color and be with the love of your life. It was going to be perfect. So you put more effort in looking nice. You had your mom help because you didn't know what suit you best and if you did meet your soulmate today, you wanted to be matching.

After you were done getting ready for school, you head out on the walk. You hummed lightly as you walked. Even without color, you could tell that today was a beautiful day. The whole walk to school you had the biggest smile on your face.

"What's with the weird face?" A voice said from behind you. You jumped and spun around.

"Kei! You scared me!" Your hand was over your heart and Kei let out a snort.

"I thought you weren't scared that easily."

"I'm not."

"Your face says different," he said with a smirk. You glared at him.

"I was lost in thought," you said defensively.


"Hey! I was!"

"You keep telling yourself that shorty." You spluttered and started hitting your best friend. He laughed and held you at arm's length so your blows wouldn't hit him.

"You're a jerk you know that right?!" You said, crossing your arms.

"I know," Kei said. He let go of you and you fell against him.


"Hey, do you wanna come and watch a practice?" Yamaguchi asked you.

"Really! I can?"

"Of course! I wouldn't ask if you couldn't."

"Then I'll go!"

"Great. I'll introduce you to everyone."

"What's going on?" Kei asked as he sat down in the seat next to you.

"I'm going to watch your practice today," you said happily.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Kei said.

"Why not?"

"The other people on the team are a bit eccentric."

"You're my best friend Kei. I think I'd be able to manage."

"Whatever. It's your funeral," he said. You just patted his arm and started your work for the day.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kei asked you for the umpteenth time.

"Yes Kei. I'm sure."

You were bouncing up and down with excitement. You had loved volleyball ever since you were little. You were on a team, but you hurt your knee pretty badly and as a result, you had to stop playing.

"We're here [y/n]," Yamaguchi said. You squealed and your smile only grew bigger when you heard the sound of volleyballs hitting the floor. You threw open the door and stepped inside.

"Watch out!" Someone called. You turned in that direction only to see a volleyball flying towards you. To Kei, time had slowed down. He started to go in front of you, but he didn't have to. You had received the ball perfectly and sent it back onto the court.

"Are you okay [y/n]?!" Yamaguchi said when he reached you. "You didn't hurt yourself again did you?"

"Nah. I'm fine 'Dashi," you said. "My knee doesn't hurt."

"Who did this?" Kei said as he put his hand on your head.

"I'm so sorry!" A mop of hair could be seen running towards you. "Are you okay?!"

You went to answer, but your voice suddenly didn't work. A flash of light blinded you for a moment and when you blinked it away, you were overwhelmed with color.

"Oh my gosh your arms are all red and it's all my fault!" The same boy said.

"Stop saying colors Hinata! Some of us still can't see colors!"

"Well it's not my fault I've already met my soulmate!"

Wait what? He already had a soulmate? Kei looked at you and saw the tears forming in your [e/c] eyes.

"We're going to go," Kei said. "Come on [y/n]."

You didn't fight him when he picked you up and led you outside. When you were far enough away from the gym, you let loose with your tears.

"What's wrong?" Kei asked you.

"He was my soulmate," you said between sniffs.


"The one with the orange hair." Kei stiffened.


"But he already has a soulmate!" You cried. You hugged Kei and with no hesitation he hugged back.

Kei ended up not going to practice that day. He was too busy comforting you. Too busy comforting his best friend and soulmate.

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