Hinata X Reader - Energy Drinks

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Energy drinks are what make you not be a zombie every morning. Whether it be RockStar, Monster, Red Bull or Nos, you always had one. But this morning, when you went to grab it from your bag, it wasn't there. You were confused. You knew you bought it even though your memory was a little fuzzy from sleepiness. Shaking your head, you went back to the lesson that was starting.

After the class, you had a bit of time before your next one, so you took your wallet and walked to the nearest vending machine to buy a new one. As you put in the money and selected a RockStar to drink, Kageyama walked up to you.

"What's up Kageyama-kun?" You said as you popped the tab on your drink.

"Did you give Hinata one of your drinks?" He asked you.

"What? No. Why would I do that? He's already hyper as is."

"I know. But he's literally bouncing off the walls in the gym." You raised an eyebrow and took a sip of your drink.

"Really?" Kageyama nodded and you sighed.

"Bring me to him."


When you got to the gym, all you heard was yelling.

"Hinata get down from there!" You heard Daichi yell.

"I'm a monkey!" Hinata said. Your eyebrows shot up and you walked into the gym to see Hinata hanging from the second floor rail. The team was underneath him, worried he was going to fall.

"Thank god you're here [y/n]," Suga said as he ran to you. "He drank an energy drink and this is the result."

"What kind was it?"

"A RockStar I think."

"So that's where it went," you muttered, crossing your arms.

"What?" Suga said.

"I bought a RockStar this morning, but it disappeared. Now I know where it went." Suga's mouth made an 'O' shape. "Yea. He's so gonna get it."

"[y/n]!" Ukai yelled. "Come over here and control your boyfriend!"

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist," you said as you walked over to the group of boys.

"Hinata! Get your ass down here!" You yelled. Hinata just ignored you and kept swinging back and forth, making monkey sounds.

"We've already tried that," Noya said. "Maybe if you lure him down with something."

He looked down at your hand. You looked too and immediately shook your head.

"No. Way. In. Hell," you said.

"Oh come on [y/n]-chan! It's the only way to get him down. I know it!" You sighed.

"Whatever. Let's just do it."

"Hinata! Senpai has something for you!" Noya called out to the boy. Hinata stopped what he was doing and looked at Noya.

"What is it?! Is it more energy drink?" Noya nodded and Hinata let out a happy little shout. He swung off of the railing and landed on his feet. He ran over to Noya and held out his hands, waiting for him to put the drink there.

"Now!" You yelled. Hinata cocked his head to the side when you said that. Then he let out a yelp when he was tackled to the ground by his team. He looked at you with betrayal in his eyes but he wasn't getting any sympathy from you.

"That's what you get for taking my energy drink out of my bag!" You said as you stood there with your arms crossed.

"But I didn't take it out of your bag! Noya-Senpai gave it to me!" Hinata said. Everybody froze and looked at Noya.

"Yuu," you growled. He gave a nervous laugh and started backing up. You only called people by their first name when you were angry. And boy were you angry.

"Come on [y/n]-chan! I wouldn't give an energy drink to Hinata," Noya stuttered.

"Well, now that I think about it, I did see you give something to Hinata before he got all hyper," Tanaka said.

"You're going to throw me under the bus like that?!" Noya yelled. "If I recall correctly, you were the one to take it out of [y/n]-chan's bag!"


"Dammit Noya!"

"I'm going to kill both of you!" Daichi and you yelled.

"Oh boy," Suga said as the both of you chased the two boys around the gym.

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