Canada X Reader - Hockey Games

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  You were an innocent and shy girl. You never spoke out, never went against what your parents said and always did the right thing. You were the epitome of goodness. It bothered you to no end when you were a child. That was why you joined hockey. Now, most people didn't know that you played hockey or even knew that you were interested in it. They all believed that you were too innocent to play such a violent sport. One that was "made for boys too".

Try as you might, you still couldn't get rid of your shy personality. It just stuck with you and wouldn't go away. It still bothered you but in time, you got used to it. Some good came out of your shyness though. You got a cute, quiet and shy boyfriend named Matthew. He was even more shy than you sometimes and that was saying something. But that was what you loved about him. He treated you like a princess and never did anything to upset or hurt you. You had a very healthy relationship and didn't keep secrets from each other. Except for one thing. You didn't tell him that you played hockey.

It may not have seemed like a lot, but one day your teams faced off. You hadn't seen Matthew yet, but he had noticed you right off the bat. He wondered why you never told him that you played his favorite sport. Come to think of it, you had never gone to any of his games. You always had a legitimate excuse to not come, but you didn't know how he played. He played rough. Always hitting people, breaking their noses and just flat out hurting them. Matthew was afraid that after you saw the way he played, you wouldn't want to be with him anymore. While he was lost in his thoughts, you noticed him.

'Oh shit,' you thought. You didn't know how he would react to you playing this. Would he still like you? Will he be mad that you didn't tell him? Those thoughts were flitting around your head but were soon gone when you noticed that everyone was getting to their positions. You gracefully skated over to where you were supposed to be and got into your game-mode.

The whistle sounded and your team got the puck first. It was passed from one person to another, each one on your team, and was soon passed to you. You dodged someone and they hit the wall with a bang. You saw that the net was open and you took the shot. With a loud sound, your hockey stick hit the puck and it flew into the net quickly and smoothly. Your team let out a cheer and your boyfriend stood there with an open mouth. The point had happened so fast he didn't even see it.

"Holy shit," Alfred, a teammate of Matthew, said. "I never knew that [y/n] could play." Matthew nodded in agreement and Alfred patted him on the back.

"Come on dude. It's time to play." Both boys skated to their positions and got ready to play again. This time Matthews team got the puck first. Alfred got the puck and skated around a bit until he came face-to-face with you. He gulped, seeing the fire in your eyes. It scared him. He had never seen anything but kindness in your eyes and he didn't know what to do.

In that split second of him pausing, you had successfully stolen the puck from him and was skating away. Alfred did a double-take and soon got his wits about him, racing after you. He cursed under his breath and slammed into you, trying to get you to lose the puck. You both crashed into the wall but that was all the damage done. Right before you were hit, you had passed the puck to your teammate.

"Good try Alfred," you said. "But not good enough." You skated off and Alfred was flabbergasted. He just stood there, not knowing what to do with this new [y/n]. You didn't act as if you were hurt and were so nonchalant about being shoved into a wall. All thoughts were pushed away when he heard another cheer come from your team and your fans. It seems as though your team had scored again.

"Good job James!" You said, hugging your teammate.

"I couldn't have done it without you darlin'," he said with a smirk on his face. You laughed and pushed him away, going to your spot when you heard the whistle. You took your place and got ready for the game to start again.

That was how the game went on until the final buzzer went off. Both teams had played hard but in the end, your team won by two points. You were the one to score the most points for your team, James coming in close second. As your team celebrated your win you glanced at your boyfriends team. They didn't seem too affected by the outcome of the game, but you could see Matthew thinking deeply and you promised to talk to him after the game.


"Hey Mattie," you said when you walked up to him. He turned and gave you a smile.

"Hey," he said. You swallowed and looked at the ground nervously.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't know how you would've reacted."

"It's fine [y/n]. Don't worry about it." Hearing that, you looked up.

"But I kept something from you! Aren't you even a little mad?"

"I could never be mad at you," he said. "And now I have someone to practice with who won't get mad at how rough I play."

A giant smile took over your face and you hugged him. When he hugged back, you knew that everything was okay and you didn't have to carry anymore burdens. He would help you and you would help him.

"Well now I at least know where those bruises are coming from now," Matt said as you two walked away from the rink hand in hand.

"You never really believed me when I said I fell, did you?"

"No, I did not." You laughed and laid your head on his shoulder, glad you didn't have to keep that secret anymore.  

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