America X Reader - Horror Movies

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  "Oh my god dude! That movie was so scary!" Alfred said as you two walked out of the theater. You snorted.

"Scary? Oh come on," you said. "Everything was foreseeable and the plot was weak."

"I know you weren't scared. You never get scared. And I find that scary sometimes." Alfred shuddered and you laughed.

"I can get scared sometimes. Just not by horror movies."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. It's still weird," he said. You nudged his shoulder and he nudged back, both of you soon reaching the car.

"Well, I'm glad that you picked me to see the movie with. I had a really good time," you said, giving him a closed eye smile. His heart skipped a beat and pink was splashed on his face. He turned his eyes to the road, pretending to concentrate on getting out of the parking lot.

"No problem," he said, glad his voice wasn't shaking. "I know that you enjoy these types of things and that you wanted to see it."

"Oh, Oh! You know what we should watch when it comes out?"


"Insidious Chapter Three!" Alfred visibly paled and his hands clenched on the steering wheel.

"W-why that movie?"

"Why not that movie? It looks really good and actually scary." Your eyes took on a dreamy look and Alfred shook his head, not knowing what to do with you.

"You really like scary movies, don't you?" He said, glancing at you. You nodded your head wildly.

"I do. They're so interesting and funny."

"How is it funny?! People die!"

"Ah! But here's the thing. They don't actually die. They're just characters that were made up. Nothing actually happens to them," you said. Alfred thought about that. It was true. They weren't actual people. It didn't really justify you laughing at deaths, but it made it a little more bearable.

"That is true," Alfred mused. You smirked.

"See? That's the thing you have to remember while watching horror movies. They aren't real." The rest of the way back to your house, you talked about everything and nothing. Still, what you had said was still on Alfred's mind.

'Maybe that's her secret for not being scared,' Alfred thought. 'I should try that.' He was brought back down to earth by you snapping your fingers in front of his nose.

"Earth to Alfie!" You sang. "Come in Alfie!"

"Huh?" Was all he said. You giggled and he turned pink again.

"What were you thinking about?" You asked him, as you got out of the car. He did a double take, not realizing that you were already at your house.

"Nothing really," he said as he followed you. "Just about what you said."

"The, 'They're not real.' thing?"

"Yeah." You tilted your head.

"Why?" You asked, not aware of how cute you were being. Alfred turned more red and looked away.

"I dunno. Maybe I want to be less of a scaredy-cat and more brave," he muttered. Your eyes widened.

"Alfie, just because you get scared from movies doesn't mean that you're not brave," you said softly. He looked at you.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I get teased a lot by Arthur because of it." He looked so sad and depressed that you gave him an unexpected hug. His eyes were nearly bugging out of his head when you did that. When you gave him hugs, it never lasted this long and you always had your head near his shoulder, not on his chest. Alfred hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, hugging you back.

"Is this also about not being the hero?" You said into his shirt.

"A little, yeah."

"Don't worry about that. No matter if you get scared or not, you'll always be my hero." You looked up at him and pecked his cheek, pulling away and turning red right after.

"Night Alfie," you said as you walked through the door to his house.

"G-good night," he said, still in shock from the kiss. He walked to his car feeling happier than he was before, a new-found confidence surging through him. Maybe the confidence would stay and he would be able to ask you out.

'It might take a while,' he thought. 'But if she really likes me back, then it will be worth the wait.'  

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