Javier Esposito X Child! Reader - I Love You

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You were the adopted daughter of Javier Esposito. Before he adopted you, you were just an orphan that was involved in a case. During the whole thing, you had stuck close to Esposito. As a result, he had grown attached to you and you to him so he basically just said 'fuck it' and adopted you. Now instead of being [y/n] [l/n] you were [y/n] Esposito.

It had been about four months since that happened and you were a happy little five year old. Because of what your new dad did, you usually went to the precinct with him and he dropped you off with Lanie. You stayed with her until Esposito picked you up.

You were currently sitting on the floor coloring. Lanie was doing paperwork when she got a call. You really weren't paying any attention but when something hit the floor with a loud bang, you looked up.

"Lanie?" You said.

"Come on baby. We have to go." Lanie had gotten up and grabbed you.

"What's going on?"

"Something happened to your daddy."

"Is daddy okay?"

"I don't know baby. I don't know."


Half an hour later, you and Lanie were at the scene of the fire. She was carrying you when she saw Ryan's wife Jenny.

"Jenny? What are you doing here?" Lanie asked when she walked over to Jenny. "You need to be resting."

"I called Kate and she told me what happened. So I came down here as fast as I could," Jenny said. Lanie was about to answer when Jenny cried out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Jenny cried out again and Lanie made the connection.

"Come one. We need to get you to a doctor," Lanie said. Jenny shook her head.

"No. I need to see Kevin." Lanie gave her a look.

"Fine. But take me to Kate first."

"Okay," Lanie said to Jenny. To you she said, "I'm going to put you down but hold onto my hand okay?"

"Okay." You nodded and grabbed her hand tightly. Lanie put one arm around Jenny and held you close with her other as she tried to find Beckett in the mass of people. All of a sudden, you got loose and started running into the crowd.

"[Y/n]!" Lanie yelled. The two women followed you only to see you had found Kate.

"I found Kate, Lanie!" You said with a smile. Lanie sighed with relief.

"I see that baby. But don't go running off again okay?"


"Jenny, why are you here?" Beckett asked.

"I need to see Kevin," Jenny said before she cried out once more.

"What's wrong?"

"She's in labor," Lanie explained. Beckett's mouth went into an 'O'.

"We need to get you to a doctor," Castle said.

"I'm fine. I just need to see my husband!"

"No, you need a doctor," Castle insisted. After a bit, Jenny let Lanie take her to an ambulance and you stayed with Kate and Castle. A while later, Beckett's phone rang.

"Hello?" She said tiredly. Then her eyes widened. "Ryan?!"

"That's Ryan?" Castle said. Kate handed you to Castle and put the phone on speaker.

"Are you okay?"

"We're trapped in the building. A subbasement," Ryan said. "The only way out is covered in flames."

"Is daddy and Uncle Ryan going to be okay Castle?" You asked Castle. Castle's grip on you tightened.

"I don't know [y/n]. We'll just have to wait and see."

"Wait, [y/n]'s there?"

"Yea. Jenny too," Kate said.

"Javie, [y/n]'s here," you heard Ryan say to Esposito. The phone was passed from one to the other and Esposito's voice was heard next.



"Hi baby girl. Are you being good for Lanie?"

"Yes daddy. I colored a picture for you but it isn't finished yet."

"That's okay. It might take a while before I can see it so keep it safe for me okay?"

"Okay." You weren't paying attention, but Beckett and Castle were fighting back tears.

"[Y/n], you're going to stay with Castle for a bit."


"Daddy has to go on a – a trip. And it's going to be a while until you can see me."

"But I want to see you now daddy!" You had started crying and Castle was doing his best to calm you down.

"I'm sorry baby girl. I love you."

"I love you too daddy." The phone switched people again.

"Can I talk to Jenny?" Ryan said.

"Yea. Hold on," Kate said. She took him off speaker and the three of you made your way over to the ambulance where Jenny and Lanie were.

"It's Kevin," Beckett said when she handed the phone to Jenny.

"Kevin?!" Their conversation went on and Jenny started crying.

"Kevin? Kevin?" She handed the phone back to Kate. "The connection cut out."

"We have to go talk to the Fire Chief. Can you guys watch [y/n]?" Kate said.

"Sure," Lanie said. Castle passed you to her.

"Daddy said to stay with Castle!" You said.

"You can't stay with me right now. Lanie is going to watch you and I'll be back soon okay?" Castle said to you with a small smile. You nodded and buried your head into Lanie's shoulder.

So you stayed with Lanie for about an hour. You sat on the floor of the ambulance and drew pictures with a pencil and paper an EMT had given you. Some were flowers and a couple were of you and your dad. Doing that kept you occupied enough to not see Jenny have her baby and to not see people approaching you until Lanie gasped. You looked up and saw your dad.

"Daddy!" You yelled. You clumsily picked yourself up off of the floor and ran to Esposito. He picked you up and held you close.

"Hi baby girl. I love you so much," he said.

"I love you too daddy," you said. Lanie came over and he hugged her as well.

"Don't scare us like that again Javie," Lanie said.

"I'll try not to." He was crying. Everybody was crying. But everyone was happy. Safe and happy.

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