Peter Parker X Reader - Food Fights

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It was a normal Saturday night for you. All your homework was done so you were watching Netflix when you got a text from your boyfriend.

"Hey babe, can you come over and help me with my homework please?"

You were confused for a moment. Peter was too smart to need help with homework, but you didn't hesitate to go to his house. After telling your parents you were going out, you walked the short distance to his apartment. When you got to his front door you saw a note taped to it.

'Come in'

Hesitantly, you opened the front door and heard music playing. You stepped into the apartment to one of your favorite songs, 'Chasing Cars'. Rose petals led you to the living room where Peter was sitting on the floor.

All kinds of sweets surrounded him. Chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, and a tub of Cookies&Cream ice cream. Pizza and soda were on the coffee table next to a game of Monopoly, ready to play. A gift bag was sitting on the couch.

"Oh Peter, you didn't have to do this!" You exclaimed. He got up and walked over to you.

"You're my girlfriend," he said. "Of course I did."

You laughed and gave him a kiss. "I love it Peter. Thank you."

"Any time, my love."

The two of you sat down and ate dinner while playing Monopoly. You were kicking his ass and couldn't stop teasing him about it. He started throwing the sprinkles from the cookies at you and soon it started an all-out war. Sprinkles turned into the whole cookies and the cookies turned into the chocolates. It ended with giggles and cuddles. After your giggling subsided, Peter handed you the present.

"Open it," he said. A soft smile was on his face.

You opened it and let out a squeak when you saw it. It was a Piplup plushy, your favorite Pokémon. Peter's smile grew when he saw your reaction.

"It's adorable, just like you," Peter said. You brought the plushy close to your chest and leaned into Peter.

"I love you," you said. Peter kissed your forehead.

"I love you too." Soon after that, you both fell asleep in each other's arms. Best Valentine's Day ever.

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