Dad! Tony X Child! Reader - Protected

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You weren't supposed to be there.

One moment you were at home, watching movies with your nanny, Clarissa, the next you were in the midst of the battlefield. A knife was at your throat and a fist in your hair. Once your dad caught sight of you, the fighting stopped.

"[Y/n]!" He screamed. The knife dug deeper into your neck and you let out a little whimper.

"Daddy help," you said.

Steve and Natasha walked up behind Tony. They went closer to you but when your captive started talking, they stopped.

"Come any closer and I'll slit her throat!" Clarissa said, a teensy smirk etched onto her face.

"Get your hands off of my daughter!" Tony yelled.

"Tell Hawkeye to get down from his perch. In fact, I want every single one of you in front of me," she said. "That includes you, Mr. Barnes."

In less than five minutes, all of the Avengers were seated in front of Clarissa. Guns were pointed at heads, everyone gave up their weapons, and some got out of their suits. Clarissa smirked and bent down to your level. She kissed your cheek, giving you a hug.

"Now that I have your attention, we can get this party started!" She exclaimed happily.

"What do you want?" Tony growled.

"I don't think that's any way to talk to a lady, Mr. Stark." Tony was hit on the head with the butt of a gun and he fell to the ground with a grunt. He didn't get back up.

"Daddy!" You cried. You went to run to him but Clarissa held you back.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that darlin'," she said with a click of her tongue. You struggled a bit more, tears in your eyes. Clarissa was getting tired of it so she yanked your hair hard.

"Stop hurting her! Please!" Wanda called out. She couldn't stand seeing you get hurt like this. None of them could.

Steve and Bucky were getting extremely mad, their fists clenching. Natasha looked unreadable as ever but if you knew her, you could see the anger in her eyes. Sam, Wanda, and Clint were visibly unnerved and angry.

"Why are you doing this?" Steve asked.

"Because you guys think that you can do whatever you want and not have to deal with the consequences. Because of that, my whole family is dead!" The silence rang in everyone's ears.

"Are you Hydra?" Sam said.

"No. But they are." She pointed to the men behind everyone.

"I didn't even have to pay them. Killing all of you was enough."

"What is your plan exactly? What are you going to do?" Natasha asked.

"Well, I'm going to kill the girl, then all of you. Simple really," Clarissa said. "I've spent enough time around all of you to know that you love her so, so much."

Tony stirred on the ground and muttered something inaudible.

"What was that? Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of blood in your mouth," she said sweetly.

"You forgot one thing you bitch!" Tony spat. "There are more of us than just the Avengers!"

Guns started flying out of hands, the sky turned dark, and a knife was at Clarissa's throat. Or rather, a metal claw.

"I suggest that you let the girl go before your throat is the one that's opening," a gruff voice said.

"How did you guys know?!"

"We don't tell you everything," Steve said as Jean Gray walked up to put the Hydra Men in cuffs.

"Let's just say that little [Y/n] Stark is more protected than the President of the United States," said Storm.

Clarissa was taken away spewing curses everywhere. You ran over to your dad, sobbing into his shirt.

"I was so scared daddy!" You cried.

"I know baby, I know. You're okay now. Everything is fine," he said, holding you close. "Everything is fine."

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