Newt Scamander X Reader - Light of my Life

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You had met your current boyfriend when he was visiting America. The both of you immediately hit it off, much to the dismay of your best friend, Tina. She thought that he was too dangerous to be around. That only grew when she learned about the creatures in his case.

You loved them all and after everything that happened, you went with him to London. He got the book he was writing published within a few years and you traveled with him every step of the way. The creatures he looked after took to you very quickly and you could take care of them whenever Newt was away. It wasn't that often, but you could do it.

You had been together for about five years and the only life you saw ahead of you was with him. He felt the same and you had the promise ring to prove it. So when he woke you up on Valentine's Day with a soft kiss to your nose, despite just waking up, you had the brightest smile on your face.

"Good morning love," he said.

"Good morning." You kissed him properly then moved to get out of bed.

"Bacon and eggs sound good?" You asked him as you put on your bathrobe.

"Oh, no. You're not doing anything today," Newt said. You turned and looked at him.

"In fact, take off the robe and get back into bed. I'll be right back."

You were more than a little bit confused, but did as he said. A couple minutes later, he came back into the room, carrying a tray. It had bacon, eggs, waffles, and coffee on it along with a card and roses.

"Happy Valentine's Day [y/n]," he said with a grin on his face.

"Thank you Newt! Oh, I don't even know what to say!" You exclaimed. He smiled proudly.

"Good. That means I did a good job. Now eat up."

You started eating and Newt picked off of your plate every now and then. You didn't mind though. He made it so it was only fair. After you finished the food, Newt nudged the card over to you. You took a sip of coffee and started reading the card.

'[Y/n], you are the light of my life and I don't know how to put all of my feelings into words. So can you do me a favor and look up for a second?'

You looked up to see Newt on one knee, holding a ring. The card fell out of your hand and fluttered silently onto the bed. The look on your face was a mixture of surprise and love. Newt cleared his throat before he started talking.

"[Y/n], the card basically said it all, but I think that I should say it out loud. I love you with all my heart and don't know of a better way to show it than ask you to marry me. So, [y/n] [l/n], will you do me the honor of becoming [y/n] Scamander?"

"Yes," you whispered. A giant smile erupted onto Newt's face and after he placed the ring on your finger, you kissed him passionately.

"I love you, Mr. Scamander," you said.

"And I love you, future Mrs. Scamander."

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