Makoto X Child! Reader - Swimming Lessons

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You weren't always afraid of the water. You used to love swimming in the pool even if your mom made you stay in the shallow end. That all ended when you almost drowned.

You were at your best friend's house when it happened. She had broken her thumb and couldn't swim but it was spring time and really hot so you decided that you would swim anyways. That was the wrong thing to do. Now, you couldn't exactly swim. That's why your mom made you stay in the shallow end of the pool.

Your friend's pool had a waterslide, diving board and was thirteen feet deep. Now you being the seven year old you were, thought that you could actually swim. So naturally, you jumped off of the diving board. Your memories from the incident were a little hazy and all you really remembered was little snippets of sinking then touching the floor of the pool and pushing off of it to get to the surface. After that the most you remembered was a paramedic telling you to keep your eyes open in the ambulance. You didn't keep your eyes open.

After you woke up in the hospital, a nurse was in the middle of putting an I.V. into your wrist. That scared the ever living shit out of you and you screamed, trying to get away. More nurses were called and they held you down, successfully getting it into your vein. When that little fiasco was over, you fell back asleep.

Even though you were scared of hospitals, doctors and needles, your stay was a pleasant one. Your best friend visited you in the hospital and brought you a present of candy jewelry along with the get well cards your third grade class had made for you. She technically wasn't allowed to visit, but they let her anyways because who could resist a little girls puppy-dog eyes?

A week later you were discharged and went home. After the weekend passed you were back at school, not one negative thought in your head. Until summer break happened and you found out your mom had signed you up for swimming lessons.

That was a no-no. You completely flipped and hid when your mom said it was time to go. She had to find you, pick you up and buckle you into your seat. The whole way to the pool you were crying and screaming, not wanting to get anywhere near water. You wouldn't go near kiddy pools and you would lock yourself into your room if you saw the bathtub full of water. You have had a legitimate fear of water ever since you almost drowned.

When you got to the pool, you tried your hardest to not get out of the car. You gave excuses of you leaving your towel and bathing suit at home or that you didn't have any sunscreen. Your mom pulled all of those out of her bag and you just sat dejectedly in your seat, still refusing to get out. Your mom sighed and pulled you out of the car, carrying you in to the pool's changing rooms, giving you your swim suit and telling you to change. You said no and she retaliated with taking away desert for a month. That got your attention and you immediately changed.

After you were done changing, your mom lead you out of the changing rooms and to the actual pool where she sprayed you with sunscreen. You had forgotten why you were there and let her. But when you caught sight of the pool, you started to freak out again.

"Calm down babe," your mom soothed. "Everything will be alright."

"I don't want to do this," you cried. "I'm scared momma!"

"You'll be fine. There are life guards around. Nothing will happen to you." You calmed down a little and allowed your mom to guide you into the pool area. She held your hand as you walked up to a man. He turned around and when he saw you, he smiled and knelt down.

"Hey there little one. Are you [y/n]?" He said. You nodded shyly and his smile widened.

"My name is Makoto. It's nice to meet you [y/n]." You looked at him and grinned, forgetting about the pool.

"I have to go back to the table alright baby girl?" Your mom said, successfully tearing your attention away from your teacher. Fear went in to your eyes and your mom moved some of your hair out of your face.

"I'm just going to be right over there. If you need me, don't be afraid to holler alright?"

"Okay," you said quietly. Your mom kissed your forehead and walked away. Your eyes followed her, tears welling up. Makoto noticed and grabbed your hand.

"Don't worry. You're safe," he said. You rubbed your eyes and he led you over to the steps of the pool. You started hyperventilating and Makoto rubbed your back, efectivley calming you down. He got into the pool and never let go of your hand.

"Alright [y/n]. I want you to sit on the first step and move down to the second when you think you can do it. Can you do that for me?"

"I think so," you said.


"You aren't going to leave though right?" You asked, worry in your voice.

"I would never do that!" Makoto exclaimed.


"Promise." Makoto looked at you and held his pinky out. You took it and twisted your hand, making Makoto give out a play yelp. You giggled and smiled widely.

"Now let's get you onto that step."


Two weeks passed and you were now learning how to float properly. It took a while for you to get off of the steps and into the actual pool, but Makoto was patient and willing to go at your pace. Your mom was happy to see you not cower in fear when you saw water. Now every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday you were eager to get to your lesson and see what you were going to do that day.

When you found out that you were going to be learning how to float, you were ecstatic and knew that you were going to make your teacher proud. And boy were you right.

"That's great [y/n]! You're amazing at this!" Makoto said happily. You smiled at the praise.

"Thanks Makoto! I was always good at floating," you said.

"I can tell." You both laughed and Makoto looked at the clock.

"We still have some time left. Do you want to get a kickboard and do that?"

"Yeah!" You said.

"Great!" When he went to get the kickboard, you went onto your back and just floated. You didn't think that you were really scared of the water anymore. Not when you had Makoto as your teacher and helper.

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