Tony X Reader - Scars [Soulmate!AU]

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Soulmate! AU where you don't age a day after eighteen until you find your soulmate.

It had been another long, boring day at work. How did you fix it? You went to the local bar of course. You frequented the place enough for the bouncer and bartenders to recognize you. Your regular drink was put in front of you right after you had sat down.

"Rough day?" Percy asked you as you downed the drink in one go.

"Not rough. Just boring," you said. He filled your glass with whiskey again.

"You need to get a new job. I can tell that you're not happy."

"Of course I'm not happy. I've been alive for so goddamn long and nothing is going right in my life. I haven't found my soulmate and I have a crappy office job when I could be working in a museum. Hell, I would take being a fucking exhibit over the job I have now."

"How old are you really?" Percy asked. "You've never told me before."

"Because it's a rude thing to ask a lady. Let's just say that I've seen the Roman Empire fall."

"Damn," the stranger sitting next to you said with a whistle. "And I thought that I was old."

"Please keep your nose out of conversations you are not included in," you said without a glance at the man.

"It's kind of hard not to when you're talking loudly." You could hear the smirk in his voice and turned to glare at him.

He certainly was very handsome. You couldn't deny it. Btu he was very cocky. You could see that written all over his face. Being alive for so long had given you the ability to read people like books. The man was the player of all players, cocky as all hell, and sad. Extremely sad. That confused you. Why was he sad?

"What's your name?" You asked him.

"Tony Stark," he said.

"[Y/n] [l/n]. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Stark."

You held out your hand for a handshake, but he took it and gave a kiss to the back of it. You blushed lightly. Nobody had done that to you for the longest time.

"How old are you?" You asked him.

"One-hundred and twenty seven years old."

"You fought in the wars, didn't you?" He looked like you had just punched all the air out of his body.

"How did you know?"

"Your scars. And you carry that weight around on your shoulders." You gave him a little smile. "Being alive for so long has its perks."

"I haven't found my soulmate. You haven't found yours. Do you wanna hook up?"

"No. It may seem like I'm desperate, but not that much. Besides, I am a Lady. Literally. I don't do things like that."

"You were born as nobility?" Percy said in awe. "That's so cool!"

"So, Mr. Stark, I will not hook up with you, but I wouldn't say no to a couple of dates."

"As you wish, milady. Friday, next week, here at seven?"

"It's a date," you said. Tony kissed the back of your hand once more and left the bar.

"Do you think he's your soulmate [y/n]?" Percy asked you.

"I highly doubt it Percy," you said with a sad smile.

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