Chapter 2: Homecoming

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"This is what you need to know: your name is Alexandria Elizabeth Malone. Your new family is a middle class, blue collar, conservative, Catholic family. They are good people, and they are a good family. This is your chance to have the ultimate do-over to be happy, take advantage of this chance. As your new doctor, I'll be checking in on you from time to time."

That was about ten days ago. I have the tv on watching the afternoon TMZ broadcast when my new family along with "Dr. Wade" arrives.

"Great news Lexi, you get to go home today" Wade announces with a cheese eating grin on his face. "You've made a remarkable turnabout in a very short time."

"Dr. Wade" kept me sedated a good chunk of the time to allow my mind, and my new body a chance to heal, completely merge. I had a lot of weird dreams. I had dreams from my past in my old life. I had some other weird dreams that I did not understand. I guess they were memories from this body's past. After being in my new body for a week I woke up to find myself restrained. Wade came in and told me that I had been having some severe seizures and they did it for my safety. I woke back up the next day without the restraints. Wade and some of his staff begin doing a series of medical, neurological, and psychological tests to make sure that I can begin my new life. He kept me doped up most of the time. To be honest I was so out of it I could have sworn the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa Claus were poking and prodding me.

"Aren't you happy about coming home" Mandi asks. In the room is Mandi, my new mom. Paul, my new dad, and a bunch of rug-rats that I guess are my new siblings. No clue as to who they are or their names.

"Mommy Lexi looks scared" the youngest of my new sisters said.

"You need to remember that while Lexi may be healthy and doing much better, she has lost all of her memories. Lexi has no idea who any of you are, other than her family. But that, really does not mean anything to her yet" Wade says. "It will be up to all of you to help reteach Lexi what family means."

"Dr. Wade, I can assure you we will not have any issues reteaching the importance of family to Lexi. We may not be perfect, but family first is the Malone golden rule," Paul says.

"Has there been any cognitive issues with Lexi," Mandi asks.

"Not that we can tell. Lexi has quickly learned to walk, talk and write."

The last part was a Scottyesq exaggeration. I never lost the ability to speak, write or walk. But it does make my old friend look even more like a miracle worker than he already does.

"What does cognitive mean" the young sister asked one of the boys that I think may be one of my new brothers.

The older and taller of the boy's answers. "It means smart. Did the accident affect Lexi's brain and possibly make her dumb?"

The other boy snapped "She didn't have much too loose to begin with."

As soon as he said it Paul's hand flew and smacked the younger boy across the back of his head.

"Mark, apologize to both Lexi and Nic," Paul said sternly.

"Sorry Nic. Sorry Lexi." He said in it a tone of voice that I have not heard since Wade's parents would force him to apologize to his older sister for doing something dumb.

Wade chuckled at the exchange.

"Lexi it seems like you have a lively family."

I just smiled and said nothing.

Wade then turns to look at my new parents. "I'll get a nurse to bring a wheelchair up to bring Lexi to your car, and for you to sign a few forms. Then we will let you all be on your way."

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