Chapter 5: Mom's Wrath

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When we got home, Blake told us to have a snack, and we all needed to be working on our homework. He said that Mandi would be home in about thirty minutes.

I grabbed the phone, and went into the bathroom and turned on the fan. I called Wade's private cell number. Wade picked up on the second ring. "Hello who is this?"

"Wade it's me Alex."

"Is everything alright old buddy?"

"No, it's not you weren't kidding about them being conservative and old-fashioned. I need you to find me a new body pronto, preferably an adult male this time."

"Why, what's wrong are you dying?"

"In a manner of speaking. My body is mostly fine besides the obvious stuff. I am pretty sure that Mandi is about to kill me when she gets back home. So, I need a new body."

Wade starts laughing "what did you do?"

"I put two idiot teachers in their place in front of two different classes, and questioned where the history teacher got her teaching certificate from. Both teachers said that they were calling Mandi and I have already pissed her off this morning."

"Dude, it sounds like you deserve what is coming to you. If you were my daughter you'd be in for it."

"Wade, I'm serious! I think she may actually kill me. I need a new body, like quick."

"Sorry can't help you this time. Part of being a kid with parents who actually give a shit, means when you do dumbass things, there are painful consequences, which it looks like you're about to discover. It will be alright. I got through it."

"Wade, come-on help me out."

"I can't."

"Allie please get out of the bathroom I really need to pee," I heard Nic say through the door.

"Good bye Old Buddy." With that he hung up and left me to die by my new primitive parents. For all I knew they really would crucify me.

When Mandi got home from work, I had just finished my essay for English. Mandi ordered everyone to go to their rooms except for me.

"Mom I really need to talk to you right now" Blake tries to say.

"Blake William Malone, I said to go to your room!"

"Mom I need to talk to you right now too," Jen pleads.

"Jennifer Elizabeth, I am not sure what has gotten into both you, and your brother when I tell you to do something I expect it to be done immediately. Now go to your room!"

Jen meekly replies with a "yes Ma'am."

"Alexandria Elizabeth Malone, do you have any idea of how embarrassing it is to be in a meeting with Father Jim (Mandi is our parish's Director of Religious Education), to get a bad phone call from your daughter's teacher? We were discussing the fact that it was nice that there were three Malone children in the Confirmation classes, and actually talking about you, as well, among other things. Then, in the middle of that meeting, to get a phone call from Mrs. Clifton, telling me how rude you were to her in class. Then five minutes later, Mr. Jennings calls, and tells me that you did the same damn thing in his class," Mandi began, angrily. "Then with-in a few minutes of hanging up with Mr. Jennings, Mrs. Clifton called back saying you said 'it will be a cold day in Hell before I apologize to you. Call my mother if you want I don't care!' "What the hell were you thinking, young lady? How dare you embarrass me, your father, and our family! I can't believe you pulled a stunt like this, especially after I warned you this morning! I am going to make sure that you do care if any teacher ever calls me!" Mandi yelled.

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