Chapter 36: One too Many Mimosas, A Mother's Day Story One Shot

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It being the second Sunday in May it is Mother's Day. But in our house, it was quiet. You see the boys went on a camping and fishing trip out to Lake Weiss, in Alabama. Nic was spending the night at her best friend's house as was Christy. So that literally meant it was just Ma, Jen and me in our big ole house on Mother's Day.

Daddy had gone with the boys but knew he had to leave early to go work on a truck at his shop on Sunday. He apologized and said he would make it up to Ma.

Before he left, Daddy pulled me aside, "Care Bear, after mass on Sunday, I want you and Jen to take Mommy out to a fancy brunch."

"Daddy I don't have any money."

"I know your allowance won't do the trick. Here." Daddy gave me a credit card, with a smile "spoil your Mom."

I smiled "Yes Sir!"

Jen and I wake up a little early on Sunday morning to bring Ma her Mother's Day presents. Jen crocheted a new afghan for her. I gave her a card that all of us kids had signed. In it on a separate piece of paper it had a note for "three free meals to be cooked by the second-best cook in the house."

"We Love You Ma," Jen and I both shouted.

Ma, started crying, "I thought y'all would have forgotten."

"Mommy we are not that big of idiots," Jen said.

"Besides that, we love you, even though we don't always show it" I said.

"I wish your father and brothers did."

"They do. Daddy does too. Ma, Daddy gave me his credit card to take you out to brunch after mass. See?" I showed her Daddy's credit card.

"Oh, did he? Well in that case I think we are going to have some fun."

Ma got up and got us our dresses for mass, we had matching rose colored dresses. We saw that Ma had one that matched ours.

I know I've complained in the past about Ma's handmade dresses, but today we all looked good. When the three of us walked into church there was no doubt that we were all mom and daughters and I really liked it. During the homily I was looking around and I noticed that Jen and I really do look a lot like Ma. I sat a little taller, and prouder. At the end of mass, a bunch of the Knights of Columbus were passing out roses to all of the mothers.

"You know girls I have always wanted to go to that fancy little bistro on Main street, Le Emily's Bistro."

"Let's go Mommy, after all Daddy is buying."

You can tell that Ma was upset that nobody was celebrating Mother's Day with her, besides us. A few people had asked Ma where the family was after mass, but Ma, being Ma, blew it off, like it didn't matter. But it did.

When we arrived, we were warmly greeted and were seated quickly by the window so we could watch the downtown traffic.

A cute waiter said, "we have to have you three in the window seat since you three are so beautiful, and what a wonderful representation of mother and daughters."

We naturally ate it up. When we were seated the cute waiter told Ma that mimosas were half off for all mothers. Ma just smiled and ordered one.

I had fancy gravy biscuits with scrambled eggs and fancy cheese, with diced potatoes done in a tasty ginger sauce. Jen had some chicken and waffles with some good tasting homemade syrup. Ma had this eggs benedict crab cake thing that looked really good and was super expensive it had lobster in the crab cake. Jen and I drank sweet teas with lemon while Ma who normally drinks coffee in the morning kept drinking mimosas. Our brunch was amazing. I swear it was the best food I have ever eaten. Please don't tell Ma I said that. The three of us had a good time eating our food, talking and as cheesy as this may sound bonding.

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