Chapter 2

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My heart paced. This was it. The time where I was alone, with  H I M.
"Oh hey Lucas, why'd you call me here?" I asked.
Lucas slowly took off his back, he unzipped it and pulled out a photo of him and a man.
"This is my dad, he died when I was 3, I know I've been trouble for awhile, I just can't get it out of my head, the only reason I tease people is because I think it'll help me get over it, but sadly, it's making it worse and I just wanted to apologize" he said as he started tearing up.
"Awhh Lucas don't worry, I understand, don't be sad, he's in a better place now" I said as I patted his shoulder.
"I wish I just could start over" he said.
"There's still time Lucas, no one knows how u feel and if they did I'm sure they would understand" I said
"Hopefully from now and on I learn my lesson, I won't tease anyone again" he said.
"I should head back home now, my mom is waiting for me" I said.
"Alright, I'll cya then" he said.
My heart was still pacing, I quickly ran to my car and hopped in.
"What took you so long honey?" My
Mom said.
"Ohh I just had to help my friend with so geography that's all" I lied.
"Oh that's sweet of you" she said.
I finally made it home, feeling happy, for the first time in 3 years. I ran to my room and texted my friend, Alissa.
"Hey Alissa! Guess what!!, LUCAS APOLOGIZED TO ME" I texted.
"Omg r u serious!? Jheez Laura you're going to get it soon 😏 " she replied.
"Oh shut up Alissa 😂 " I replied back.
I got a text on Instagram and I went to check who texted me, it was him, Lucas. He never ever has texted me before. I opened the text message.
"Hey shortcake, wanna go out to the movies tomorrow?" He said.
Jhee, what made it so nice now, I thought, but of course, why would I ever say no to him.
"Yes sure I'd love too!" I replied.
"Alright I'll pick you up at 3" he said.
"Alrighty" I replied.


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