Chapter 28

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I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Lucas, I opened the door and he came in.

"you don't have to be here, I know you don't want to Lucas" I said.

"laura, of course i will be here, always. " he said.

" see I told u he was cheating on Alissa!" I said.

"I'm sorry for not believing you babe it's just that Ive known Jake for so long and I never actually thought he would do that" Lucas said.

"it's okay, I understand" I said. 

I looked down on my phone and got a message from Avery.

"enjoying your crappy hotel?" it said.

I left her on read and sat down on the couch and Lucas sat down beside me.

"LAURA! WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO URSELF AGAIN" he said pointing at the cuts on my wrists.

"I'm sorry!, I got too stressed out" I said.

"is Alissa okay?" I asked

"yeah apparently she still with Jake" Lucas said.

"what why!?" I said

"Alissa still doesn't believe that Jake's cheating on her and Jake made her think that way by buying  her flowers"  Lucas said.

"what the heck!"  I said getting mad.

"ikr let's get some rest now babe it's getting late." Lucas said

We went to the bedroom, changed to our pj's and went to sleep.

*next morning*

I look to my right and Lucas wasn't their... I got up to see if he was in the main room or kitchen and he wasn't,  his car wasn't here either.

I felt sad again because I really needed to be with someone right now.

I called Lucas and asked him where he was...

"babe where did u go!?"  I said

"I'm so sorry, I have to help Jake with youtube videos" he said

"oh when do u come back" I asked. 

"shoot um I gotta go " Lucas said and ended the call.

I felt broken again,  I just wanted to go back home to my mom. I went online to see how much a ticket was and it's $1200 to get back to Maryland and I didn't have enough... 

I went downtown to Starbucks and asked them if they were hiring, they booked me an appointment and I needed to make a application. 

I got a call from Alissa...

"hello?" I said

"you liar! Jake would never cheat on me,  go throw URSELF off a cliff,  Ur just so thirsty for drama aren't u" she said

I got so scared and ended the call...


Ugh I got my phone taken away and its my birtday tomorrow :(  so I probably won't be on as much 😣

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