Chapter 4 (did i loose my virginity?)

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I just woke up, put on some lazy clothes to start off the day, my mom drove me to school.
I got to school, put my bag in my locker and headed to class.
"Where are you going you slut" Amy said.
Amy is one of the rudest bullies at our school.
"I-I just wanna go to my math class" I said as I started tearing up.
"Don't act like I didn't hear what you did yesterday, I was at Lone Star too" she said as she pulled me against the locker.
"What did I do" I said.
"U made out with Lucas dobre, how many times do I have to tell u HE IS MINE NOT YOURS" she slapped me.
A teacher came and she let me go quickly before she got in trouble. I ran to the washroom and locked myself in the bathroom for an hour. I kept crying and crying till I couldn't cry anymore.
I finally came out and it was the end of the day and I got sent down to the office to explain why I skipped class, I lied to them cuz I didn't want them to know I was getting bullied.
I walked to the field and sat on the benches waiting for my mom
I walked out of school, saw Laura, her beautiful face. I walked to her and said ..
"Hey Laura, whatcha doing here?" I said


"Oh I'm just waiting for my mom, she's taking too long" I said.
"Well I'll wait for you" he said cutely.
I got a text message from my mom saying she can't make it.
"Why do you look so down?" He asked.
"I just got a text from my mom and she can't make it here" I sighed.
"Great!! You can come over to my house!!" He said happily.
"are you sure?" I said.
"Of course cupcake" he said.
He drove us back to his house. His house was HUUGEEE , big pool, nice cars and huge rooms.
"Can I meet ur mom?" I said.
"Oh nobody's home, my mom went to visit my grandpa with my dad and Marcus, cyrus and darius went to the movies" he said.
"Oh, why didn't you go with ur brothers?" I asked.
"I saw u and I wanted to be with you more" he said.
"Awh" I said as a smiled.
We walked upstairs into his huge room.
"So this is my room, I'm sorry its messy" he said.
"Don't worry, I like it messy" I said as I smirked.
He leaned in and gave me a kiss.
"Laura, I love you, no matter what" he said.
I didn't know what to say!! So I just kissed him. We kept kissing and then he picked me up and pushed me against the wall , we kept kissing, he unbuttoned my buttoned shirt and exposed my bra.
"Sexy bra Laura" he laughed.
I started laughing too but I won't let that stop this moment.
I kissed him again and it kept going on.
He took of my shirt and left me on with my bra, he put me down and took his shirt off, all I thought of was his hot ass abs. I touched his chest as he picked me up again, he threw me to the bed and was over me, he kept kissing even more every second.
"I want you Laura " he said
"I want you too Lucas" I said.
I didn't know what else to say, is this the day I loose my virginity? To the hottest man alive?
He zipped down his pants and took them off, his blue Calvin Klein underwear was the only thing on him. He took my pants off , and the only thing we were left on with was our underwears. I started to touch his chest and made it all the way down to his dic-
Oh sorry they need some privacy ;)


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