Chapter 41

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*Laura pov*

The doctor came back with the results.

"I have some good news and some bad news" the doctor said.

"Uh yea?" I said squeezing Lucas' hand because I'm so nervous.

"It's gonna be okay" Lucas whispered.

"So, have u ever had sex with Lucas?" The doctor said.

"Oh um yes, why?" I said

"Well we ran some tests, and the sperm is mostly from Lucas and like 10% from jake, their sperm got mixed together" the doctor said.

"What!!?" I said freaking out

"It's gonna be okay, the baby is fully yours and lucas'" the doctor said.

"What about that 10% of Jakes sperm!" I said

"Don't worry, it means nothing " the doctor said.

"Oh no Lucas, I wish I never had sex with you I'm so scared now" I said crying.

"Laura it's all my fault, I should've known when it was going to come out, I'm so sorry" he said tearing up.

"Why are you crying Lucas" I said

"Because I love you and I want u to be happy, not like this Laura" he said hugging me.

"Lucas I'm happy with you, I won't let a baby get in the way if my happiness" I said hugging him back.

We were both wearing gray sweaters and the feeling of the hug was so cozy.

"Uh when do I give birth to this child" I said.

"U mean ur kid, not this child." The doctor said.

"Oh yea sorry" I said.

"Well, since you've already been through all the symptoms it might be an early birth or normal, atleast 2 weeks." The doctor said

I took a deep breath and broke the hug.

"Okay..." I said trying not to panick.

"Laura come to my place" Lucas said

"Lucas come to my place instead, I don't want to leave my mom alone, she's having anxiety" I said holding his hand.

"Okay babe whatever you want" Lucas said kissing my hand.

We drove back home and got rest...

I turned around and faced Lucas, he was asleep.

"I love you" I whispered even though he was sleeping.

I turn back around and felt something behind me.

"I love you too" Lucas said.

I quickly turn around.

"You scared me, I thought u were asleep" I said.

"Haha, come here" Lucas said kissing me.

"Good night luco" I said kissing him back.

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