Chapter 13

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I woke up, got all ready for school again and got my mom to drive me..

Before I got out of my car I saw Lucas and Marcus running to my car, my mom pulled down the window.

"Hey Laura's mom" Lucas said.

"Hey Lucas" my mom said.

"How'd you know my name" Lucas said and laughed.

"Laura told me, and she also told me you were the sweetest guy ever" mom said.

"Awhh Laura" he said.

"Hey I'm Marcus, his twin bro" Marcus said while playing with his curls.

"Nice to meet ya, Lucas how about you come for dinner at our house tonight dear" my mom offered

"That would lovely ma'am, I'll cya then" Lucas said while opening the door for me.

He held my hand and walked me to my locker.

"That was so weird" I said while opening my lock.

"No it wasn't, she seems so nice" Lucas said.

I put my books in my locker and headed to class with Lucas,

"The flight leaves tomorrow babe, don't forget" he said while he was walking to his class next door.

"I won't" I said.

I went back to class, same old shit, with Avery sitting behind me.

I sighed and sat down hoping Avery won't do anything... everybody in the class was laughing and looking at their phones.

"What is it?" The teacher laughed.

Everyone hid their phones and pretended to work again.

I look behind me to see if avery's doing anything but she's just on her phone.

*after class*
I felt really uncomfortable at this point, I didn't feel like talking to anyone, what if everyone was laughing at me?

"Hey Laura, lets eat" Lucas said.

"Okay I'll catch up, I need to put my books in my locker" I said.

Lucas left to the cafeteria and I was the only one in the hall, I just slid down my locker on my back and sat on the floor.

"What are you doing fat ass" Avery said coming from beside me.

"Go away!" I said while standing up.

"No, wanna know why everyone was laughing AT YOU" she said smacking my books to the floor.

I went to pick them up and she pulled out her phone and showed me the picture that everyone was laughing at, it was me, back in grade 8 , when I weighed a lot. I started tearing up..

"Awh crybaby, suck it up" she said throwing my books to the floor again and she left..

I picked them up again and put them in my backpack and ran to the washroom.

I hid in the stalls for the whole lunch.
I pulled out my sharpener blade, I rolled up my sleeve and just placed the blade on my wrist, I slowly pulled the blade down as it was ripping through my skin, I just cut once and went back to my locker.

*skip school*

I didn't want Lucas to see me so I quickly ran home, this man in a car came and stopped right next to me.

"Need a ride sweetie" he said looking serious.

"Uh no I'm okay thanks..." I said walking a bit faster.

The man left and I made it home, I thought I was gonna get kidnapped...

I ran to my room and wrapped my cut, I packed everything for the flight tomorrow to Hollywood.

*next morning, 6AM*

I quickly got dressed, told my mom goodbye, and me, Lucas and Marcus headed to the airport. We gave them out tickets and I thanked Lucas again for buying me them, we got on the plane and I sat down beside Lucas and Marcus was sitting in the seats ahead of us.

After 5 minutes of people boarding the plane I see Avery

"Uh Lucas, what is Avery doing here?!!!" I asked getting all mad.

"She's my family friend, her moms close with mine, I kind of had to bring her, it wasn't my choice" he said.

I got a text from Avery,

"I'm going to steal Lucas"


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