Chapter 29

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I still can't believe lucas treated me like dirt again, Alissa wont believe and I got kicked out of Jake's house. My life just keeps getting worse and worse every second...

I  got a call from lucas and decided not to answer it.

I went to go eat at a Cafe and came back home at 6PM.

Lucas was calling again, I picked it up this time..

"babe why did you reject my call earlier?" he said.

"oh um I was at Starbucks and I was talking to someone" I said and lied.

"oh ok" he said.

"so how's Jake now?! " I asked

" him and Alissa are so cute! They are back together, guess it was all a misunderstanding" he said.

No lucas!  It wasn't a misunderstanding, Jake was really cheating on Alissa!, I wanted to say that so bad but I don't want lucas to be mad at me.

"Uh yeah I guess" I said.

"oh I'm staying the night at Jake's today" He said.

"oh ok" I said. 

I acted like I was okay, but really I was broken, I felt like a shattered plate that has just been smashed down to the floor.

I called my mom to check up on her.

"oh hey mom" I said

"hi sweetie, how's Hollywood?"  she asked.

"oh uh good I guess,  I miss you so much,  I'm going to be coming back earlier" I said

"I miss you too honey,  why you going to come back soon, r u ok?" she said

I cried over the phone and told her every thing that happened.

"don't worry honey, you're too good for lucas anyways" she said

"okay mom I'm going to get some rest now good night, love you." I said

"love you too" she said

I ended the call and changed into my pj's and went to sleep.


I drove back to Jake's house and knocked on the door to apologize.

Jake answered the door...

"What the hell do u want" he said

"I just want to apologize for everything and started so much stuff between you and Alissa, I guess I was acting  like a little child, and I'm so so sorry." I said.

He opened the door wider and I saw lucas laughing and hugging Alissa.

"shut up, you are just here because you're too poor to afford your shitty hotel, get the hell away from me" Jake said.

I quickly ran back to my car and drove to my apartment..

I cried myself to sleep..


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I'm so tired right now, my legs hurt so much 😂,  I had to do this volunteer hours for 12 hours standing.

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