Chapter 30

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*Lauras Pov*

I woke up and got changed into these

I went to my small ass kitchen and ate

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I went to my small ass kitchen and ate. I got accepted to work at Starbucks so I went for my first shift.


I got to Starbucks and started training.

"Okay, uh what would you like today?" I asked a customer.

"I'll have a double chocolate chip frappe with a cake pop on the side" the customer said.


It was the end of my shift and it went pretty well, I left Starbucks and saw jake and everyone Infront of me. I quickly ran back inside and pretended that I was still working.

They all came inside and stared at me.

I heard them all talking and heard Avery saying.

"Ew you want to order from laura" Avery said to Lucas.

Lucas just looked up at me and looked back down, jake came up to me and I got really scared.

"Uh what do u wanna get" I said

"I want u to stop showing up in my fucking life u dumbass" he said.

"stop!! I'm just working okay!" I said

"K then get me a venti sized cotton candy frappe" he said

"Ok ok, it'll be $7.50" I said

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not paying u" he said

I got scared to ask again for money so I just made him the drink he wanted.

"Okay Um here now please leave me alone" I said giving him the cotton candy frappe.

Jake took the frappe and poured it all over me.

Everyone started laughing, even Lucas. I threw my Starbucks apron and hat to the floor and ran out of Starbucks, I went to my car and saw the word "whore" spray painted on it.

I started crying and drove back to my apartment, I sat on the couch and cried even more.

*10 min later*

I heard a knock on my door and I went to go see who it was and it was Lucas,
I opened the door and he tried to hug me but I backed away.

"Are you ok?!" He said.

"No Lucas I'm not! I want to leave Hollywood! My life is a disaster right now!!!" I said and cried.

He pulled me into his arms.

"Babe if you really want to go then we can go" he said.

"I do Lucas, I'm working my ass off to get money and guess what, I got a call and now I'm FIRED all because of jake!" I said.

Lucas gave me a big hug and I hugged him back.

"Lucas I always feel like you're using me" I said.

"Why would u ever think that!" He said

"U always flirt with other girls and it just breaks me Lucas" I said.

"Babe, I love you, and only you, I'll buy out tickets tonight" he said kissing me.

"I love you too lucas" I said and kissed back.

He stayed over for the night and we made love, again 😂 ....

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I got my phone back so I'll be posting 2 chapters every day!!

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