Chapter 10

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It's been almost 3 hours and Lucas is still in the hospital, I heard footsteps and a women came in the room.

"Babe, who's that?" I asked Lucas.

"Oh that's my mom" he said.

"Aw puchii how are you" Aurelia said.

"Oh hey mom, I'm doing good now, thanks to Laura" Lucas said.

"Oh who's Laura?" His mom asked.

"Okay, mom this is my girlfriend Laura, laura this is my mom" Lucas said.

"Hey" I said to his mom.

His mom smiled ..

"Lucas, your girlfriend is beautiful, maybe invite her to dinner tomorrow!" His mom said.

"Laura would you like to come to dinner?" He asked.

"Of course I would love to!" I said.

It's been 3 hours and Lucas could finally get up, him and his mom drove me home.

"Good night princess"

"Good night!" Him and his mom said.

I went to my room, changed into my pjs and went so sleep..

*alarm goes off*
my stupid alarm started buzzing, it was school time, I got up quick and changed into this..

I still had no ride to school because my mom hasn't came back home yet, I started to worry so I called Lucas

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I still had no ride to school because my mom hasn't came back home yet, I started to worry so I called Lucas.

"Lucas!? Please I'm scared right now, my mom hasn't been home yet for a week! And I need a ride again" I said while tearing up.

"Babe we will talk about this after school, I love you, I'm coming to pick you up right now princess" he said.

I hung up and put on my shoes, Lucas started honking the car so loud I front of my door. I opened the door and yelled


I got in his car and we drove to school

"How'd you get here so fast?" I asked and laughed.

"Because I wanted to see u really really bad" he said.

"Awh aren't you sweet lucas" I giggled.

He played my favourite song, Trust Issues by Drake.

"Omg this is my favourite song!!" I said.

"Me too babe" he said.

Wow, we actually have something in common, I thought in my head.

"Lucas where are we going? This is nowhere near the school" I said.

"Trust me, you're going to love it" he said.

We drove for another 30 minutes and we finally made it, there's was a beautiful sandy beach, high cliffs, clear water and the best part is , no one was their.

"Woah Lucas it's beautiful" I said.

"Follow me" he said holding my hand.

He led me up a huge cliff and he had a whole picnic ready, there was rose pedals everywhere, he even made a rose pedal trail up the cliff
I started tearing up because of how beautiful it is, I hugged Lucas and gave him a kiss.

"I love it lucas!" I said while hugging him tightly.

"Anything for you" he said.

He sat down on the cliff and I sat down beside him.

"School sucks , this is way better" I said.

We both laughed and started eating his favourite fruit, pomegranate, he also made sandwiches and other fruits.

This was the most romantic moment of my life, no one has ever done anything so sweet to me.

We went down to the beach and he went into the water.

"Lucas you're shirt is still on!!" I said.

"Oh don't worry about that" he said while taking his shirt off.

"Come in the water laura" he said.

"No! I don't even have swimwear" I said.

He came running out of the water to me and started tickling me, he carried me into the water.


"Lets see about that" he laughed and threw me into the water.

"LUCAAAAS!!!!!" I said angry while splashing water on him.

He pulled me against him and started kissing me, but I broke the kiss

"What was that for!?" He said.

"for throwing me in the water" I said angry.

"Come on bab-" he said, but I cut him off smashing my lips into his.

We kept kissing for like A whole 60 seconds, until rain started to pour.

"God damn it, why now" I said complaining.

"Oh well who cares" Lucas said.

We both ignored the rain and started kissing again..

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