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"Do you have this one in ape size?" Pox was stuck in an orangutan's body. His last attempt to get his normal body back, well... backfired. Apparently, someone mixed up his DNA with an orangutan test subject's.

Pox had built himself this mechanical chair to float around on because he could not walk due to his giant brain size. The chair held his own cerebral up with two metal links, a trait not seen with any other Furon, which he was often made fun of for. Although none of it mattered anymore because he was a monkey and could walk perfectly fine.

His lovely sidekick Crypto was always around to support him though. But he would often complain that Pox was his sidekick rather than the other way around.

Furons have olive green skin and usually cover up their arms and legs with certain clothing. The max height for a Furon is about 4 feet and 5 inches. Their eyes are large and a deep red color, which allows them to see further in dark areas because Furon's eyes are reflective. Most have sharp teeth to chew through the rough foods available on the planet.  

"I'm sorry sir, we only have Furon clothes. You seem to be in an awkward state right now, so I'll recommend getting the largest size we have in stock." Crypto gave the store employee his signature do-what-we-say look.

"Screw it. Looks like we'll just go to the zoo and get you a blanket to wear, Poxy."

"Um excuse me Crypto, I'm your emperor now, you will show me respect and call me Pox, or Emperor Orthopox like everyone else."

"Ah shut up," Crypto said with distaste. Together, they  walked out of the store while some of the employees bowed to their emperor.

"They really like me... huh Crypto?"

"They only like you 'cause you didn't try to kill them in order to feed their brains to the Nexos. And besides, Meningitis was a bucket load of bullsh-"

"LANGUAGE! Honestly, it's too early in the book for this."

As the sun slowly set in the sky, the mall lights started to illuminate more of the dark areas. Pox always wanted to rearrange the city and make it more eco-friendly, but he thought the Furons wouldn't agree with his ideas. Crypto for one(he never really was much of an eco-friendly guy) thought the ideas were amazing, but Pox knew better than that. If Crypto liked one thing, the other majority would not.

The roof of the mall made of a glass grid that allowed visitors to enjoy holographic displays. The glass changed from the setting sun and projected a starry night sky with occasional comets and shooting stars. Like most malls, there was a rectangular cut balcony in the center of the second floor lined with potted plants and ferns. Every store was decorated differently but the walls around the entrances were a dark blue with white, glowing stars.

Columns lined the second floor, one between each balcony and store. Stores were lined up against the walls and complemented the floor tiles with their bright colors. The floor tiles were shiny, white marble. Most of it was cracked into small pieces almost like a mosaic and they reflected the ceiling projections. Each corridor of the mall had two of those balconies and in between were resting areas with floating potted ferns and couches set up around a coffee table.

Behind the largest couch was a wide standing plinth that displayed digital map. A customer waved his hand in front of the map and it changed diagrams that displayed all sorts of data, like how many people were in each section and what kind of stores there were. The numbers changed as people walked from the next corridor into others.

"So Pox, what do you say? Want to come back?"

"I don't know... I was never cut out for earth. That planet is nothing but weird and evolved monkeys trying to make a living in a world that has already gone to waste, they just don't know it."

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now