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Crypto and Pox stepped out of the casino and onto the streets of Los Angeles.

"Where to?" asked Crypto.

"I don't know," replied Pox.

"Are you sure there's no way to signal Furon?"

"You broke the chip so the fleet would attack Magnus, there's no way they can trace your area now."

"So what? We just wander the streets of L.A. doing nothing?"

Pox looked around and tilted his up, like he always does when thinking. "There has to be some way to contact Furon."

Pox hovered on top of the casino and Crypto followed with his jetpack. He scanned the city looking for something and occasionally stopped to glance at some of the women. "There!" Pox pointed to a large radio tower on the other side of the city. "If I can tap my chair systems into the radio tower, I can amplify a broadcast signal all the way to Furon."

"Sounds like a plan. Good job Poxy."

"It's so high up though."

The tower sat on the roof of a huge building about three times taller than the casino.

"Yea, my thrusters can't fly that high." Crypto dusted off his jetpack. 

 BANG! A silver SUV went flying and smashed right through the windows of a convenient store fifty feet below onto the streets of Los Angeles. Pox almost went unconscious again when he saw what had crashed in the park. Crypto glided down with his jetpack and ran to it.

A crowd gathered around the giant orange fur ball that crashed into the park fountain. People chattered and screamed at their families to run and hide somewhere while others dialed the police. "Run!"

"What is it?"

"It flew right out of the sky."

"Are those purple Frisbees attached to it?"

Crypto pushed through the crowd and drew his weapon. More people screeched and scurried away from the park. "Get out of here!" He aimed his weapon at the crowd and slipped his finger on the trigger.

The Kyphinx stood up on its four legs and faced Crypto. It growled deeply and took a step forward but yelped in pain. It's front left paw was covered in green blood. A piece of cement was dug in there and looked extremely painful.

"Didn't I kill you already?" snarled Crypto. He dug into his weapon cube and pulled out the Disclocator, the gun he used last on it.

"Crypto wait!" Pox quietly ran up behind him.

"Pox get out of here, it'll kill you!"

"How did it even get here?"

Crypto's jaw dropped like he'd realized something. "I forgot... the discs always come back..." he said sadly.

"Seriously?! Did you not read the instruction manual that I made for it?"


The Kyphinx growled sadly and slipped on the puddles of water. It was now lying on its belly and rolling around in the fountain water.

Crypto watched in disbelief. "Uh. What the?"

"Maybe it doesn't want to fight today."

Crypto stepped forward and examined the wound on its paw. "Looks bad. Hey, you got any of that mumbo jumbo stuff left?"

"The Goobies Nectar?"


"Why would you use it on this thing? It tried to kill you!"

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now