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Magnus's rocky reincarnation raised its hands. Tigra barely had enough time to jump out of the way as Magnus slammed down onto the platform, causing a massive shockwave. Hundreds of tiny hexagonal platform pieces broke off and circled Magnus, waiting to be used.

"YOU CAN'T WIN!" Magnus brought down his hands again, destroying the opposite half of the platform.

Tigra was now standing on a third of the platform with everyone on her back. One more hit and it was all gone. They would surely plummet into the void. 

"Tigra," Crypto called. "Listen to me! When he comes down to hit us, you have to jump on his arm, got it?"

Tigra growled deeply in agreement.

Magnus lowered his massive rocky arms for the final blow. His right arm smashed against the platform, causing another shockwave. Tigra used the momentum from it and sprung onto his forearm, running up to his shoulder with everyone holding on for dear life.

"ARGH!" Magnus's rocky shoulder pieces dispersed as Tigra leaped onto his head. "GET OFF!"

"Crypto!" Gladys pulled herself up to Crypto, who was sitting on the back of Tigra's neck. "How do we stop him?!"

Crypto didn't know what to do. This was by far one of the biggest battles he had ever been in and he didn't know what to do. So he turned to Pox. "I need a genius plan, right now!"

Magnus's right arm crossed to his left shoulder, trying to wipe Tigra off like a bug. Tigra raised her paw and struck the rocky hand away. It did little damage, but it did hold it off.

"We have to find Magnus!" Pox yelled.

Gladys looked at him like he was crazy. "Found him!"

"That's not what I meant!"

Magnus suddenly rose higher into the void and flew off into the darkness with everyone still holding on. Tigra dug her paws into Magnus's shoulder as they zoomed through clouds of pitch black.

"Magnus is somewhere inside that giant rocky thing! If we can blast it open, we can find him and kill him for good!"

"I'm on it!" Crypto yelled, his voice muffled by a dark cloud.

Suddenly, the darkness cleared into a display of dazzling lights in the distance. Magnus burst out of the void and into the depths of space. The abrupt stop sent Tigra flying off of Magnus and onto an asteriod with everyone still holding on.

Tigra clawed onto the asteroid, tired. Pox and Gladys untied Phil and set him down onto the asteroid with Blasto helping them.

"You guys," Crypto said. "Stay here."

Magnus thrashed around at all the annoying ships that circled the void and shot at him.

"IT'S ME YOU IDIOTS!" He bellowed, as they fired bullets at his golem body.

Crypto knew now was his chance while Magnus was distracted. He crouched on Tigra's head and waited for a ship to fly close to the asteroid.


He turned back around.

"Be careful," Blasto warned.

Crypto turned to the ships that zoomed by Magnus's massive new body. He then jumped and vanished into a stream of jet fire.

Crypto hung onto the wing of a Nexo fighter jet. It flew at light speed all around Magnus, shooting at him. The Nexos were completely oblivious to realize that it was Magnus inside the rocky body.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon