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"JUST DIE!" Phil yelled.

BOOM! Sonic pulses of PK energy exploded around him.

Orthoneises was giving it everything just to kill one person. "AFTER YOU!"

Pox knelt beside Gladys and checked her pulse. She was still alive, but barely. "Please let it be just a concussion," he whispered.

Magnus was up now, moving slowly toward Pox.

"Goddamit, stay down!" Pox launched a PK sphere at Magnus and watched as it exploded at his feet and knocked him down again. Magnus groaned angrily.

Orthoneises charged at Phil with an odd blue PK aura. Every punch that Orthoneises landed sent a shock through Phil's body.

Orthoneises landed a kick on Phil's chest. The impact of him against Phil caused a mini shock wave.

Orthoneises's kicks and punches were growing more rapid now. Phil could barely move from the shock waves.

Orthoneises was like a robot. Punch, kick, uppercut. Punch, kick, uppercut. Punch, kick, uppercut. Phil was in his trap and couldn't leave.

Phil was almost gone. His eyes were heavy and his body bruised badly. Orthoneises knew this as he willed Phil in the air using his PK and gave one last round-house kick to the gut.

Phil was sent flying. He landed in front of the beacon and didn't move.

Crypto choked back a sob. "No."

Orthoneises grinned and went to assist Magnus who was now standing up and only a few feet away from Pox.

Pox tended to Gladys's wounds as best he could before Magnus kicked him to the floor. "Weak. I guess I won this battle. And ALL future battles! As this universe is now mine."

Pox lay on the floor next to Gladys, the searing pain in his rib. "You'll regret it. The world isn't meant to be ruled by one p-person."

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing." Magnus turned and walked back to the beacon, adjusting the Hand of Lucius with Orthoneises behind him.

Crypto pulled himself onto Tigra's back along with Blasto and they ran to Phil. Crypto dropped down beside him. "...Phil?"

No response.

Crypto let a tear drop onto the stone floor. Letting Gladys and Phil come along with them was a mistake. It's never a good idea to become attached to someone only to have them die in the end.

Crypto put a hand on Phil's golden brown hair. "PHIL!" Nothing. Nothing except the ringing.

"He's gone," Magnus replied.

"SHUT UP!" Blasto sprang up and charged a sphere of PK energy. He aimed for Magnus and launched a neon stream of power.

Orthoneises created a shield and deflected it. Blasto knelt back down beside his father, clutching his stomach. Blasto was in too much pain to even stand.

Crypto stood up. "Orthoneises. Today is the day you die."

"Enlighten me, slave boy," Orthoneises taunted.

"I'll let you two settle this." Magnus backed off and watched from afar.

Crypto was still in no condition to fight, but he at least had to try. For Phil.

Orthoneises launched his PK bullets. Crypto sprang in the air and dodged. He charged both of his hands with PK energy and launched bolts of bright purple-ness.

Orthoneises was more adept at fighting with PK than Crypto was. He proved that clearly when he put his hands up and controlled every attack Crypto launched. Every bolt, energy sphere, lightning blast, Orthoneises deflected it.

Crypto knew it was over. He couldn't win at all. He launched one last sphere and watched Orthoneises grab it as it came close.

Orthoneises threw it back like a baseball. The sphere expanded and enveloped Crypto. Orthoneises waved his hands and brought the sphere containing Crypto right in front of him.

He slowly closed his palm and Crypto began choking. The sphere was gaining pressure, getting ready to explode from the inside.

Blasto watched in horror, unable to move and feeling helpless as ever.

Pox hovered to Crypto's rescue only to be stopped by the same anti-stabilizing field that got them tied up.

Crypto had no help. He was done for. Dying by the hands of a Furon. Betrayal.

"It must be done, Crypto. I've hated you for too long..."

Blasto looked down at Phil, the tears flooding his eyes. "Phil... if you can hear me. We need you now. More than ever." Blasto's face lit up. He had an idea. It was a longshot, but it was worth anything at this point.

Crypto's vision was fading, as was Pox's. They were both suffering the same death. Crypto remembered everything he and Pox has been through together. And now, they were dying together. What better way to end a partnership.

And that's when the darkness cleared.

Orthoneises flew backwards into Magnus and they both tumbled to the egde of the platform.

Crypto and Pox were both released from their death capsules and gasped for air.

"What-happened?!" Pox gapsed.

Crypto focused on a strange neon blue energy that zoomed past the two and stopped in front of Magnus and his side-kick., a glowing blue dust trailing behind it.

"What the hell?" Crypto whispered.

Orthoneises was suddenly lifted into the air while Magnus was thrown in front of Crypto and Pox by an invisible force.

Orthoneises flailed his arms and legs around as he struggled to break free of the force lifting him in the air. "HELP ME-!"

He choked and lurched forward as a neon blue blade separated his body into halves.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now