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The empty hollow ringing of the void returned.

Phil's eyes ceased to glow and he fell to his knees where Magnus once stood.

Gladys ran over and helped him walk over to Tigra where he was later put on Tigra's back, strapped down onto the saddle.

At first no one spoke because no one knew what to say. "So... you killed Magnus. Just like that..." Crypto spoke up. "Is he gone for good?"

"Most likely," Phil croaked. "I don't know what just happened in the past few minutes, but I feel Magnus is gone for good."

"How can you be sure?" Pox questioned.

Phil took a deep breath and calmed down before speaking up again. "That weird aura thing that just happened, I don't remember how it was triggered but I do remember feeling angry when I saw Magnus. I also remember killing him. I had so much power... He was nothing compared to me-"

"-Alright!" Gladys interrupted. "Just rest for now, Phil. We'll talk later."  

Pox looked around the platform. His head darted from side to side. "Erm... How do we leave the void?"

"You mean you don't know? Pox you're a freaking genius and YOU of all people don't know?" Crypto chided.

"Give me a second to think-" Pox remembered something. It was easy to tell by the way his mouth twitched. "Where would we go?" He mumbled.

"Furon of course-" Crypto remembered too. "...Furon."

Blasto looked over at them. "N-no. It can't be gone for good. Pox disabled the energy beam!"

"That energy beam was there for a long time. Long enough to destroy the planet. I didn't get a good look at Furon before the hole shut, but... I only saw the vortex." Pox explained.

"Furon's gone?" Crypto put his hands on his head.

Pox's voice turned from stern to shaky. "Most likely."

Gladys watched the conversation in silence. She and Phil had lost their entire village. But the Furons had lost their entire planet. At least the Kalkamans were still alive. But all Furons wiped off the face of the universe; could it have been true?

"You guys are always welcome on Kalkam..." she whispered.

Phil began to snore on Tigra's back. Tigra yawned and soon did the same.

"Or Earth." Blasto acknowledged. "You guys can come with me. Earth was always your true home."

Pox nodded. "Blasto's right. Furon may be gone but-"

"Pox don't you see what this means?!" Crypto blurted.

"It means there's nothing we can do about it Crypto. If Furon truly is gone then we have no reason to go back and try to fix things. Magnus is dead and won't ever cause trouble like this again. We'll be fine on earth-"

"-No. It means we're the last Furons! An entire civilization was destroyed today leaving only a handful of the species. What do we do? What happens when me and you die. Blasto is only half Furon. Over generations the DNA of our kind will disappear-!"

"-Then we clone ourselves Crypto!" Pox blurted. "I don't like the idea but we have to. Clones don't live as long as the original, I know that. But if we are to survive it will be necessary when our time comes."

Gladys broke in the conversation. "I know this is a bad time. But um... What about the Furons on Celtusk?"

Pox's deep red eyes reflected the beacon's energy light. "Clones."

"Clones?" Gladys gasped.

"Yes. They were all sent to Celtusk to live in the extreme conditions both as scientists studying and as test subjects to see if the planet was habitable. It was. However me and Crypto nearly froze to death without those heat chambers. If there's ever a blizzard and the power goes out, we die."

Crypto tried to look Pox in the eye but he broke away. "Was Cynthia a clone?"

Pox didn't respond.

"POX!" Crypto's voice was unsubtle.

"Yes." Pox sniffled. "You think I'd leave another Furon behind? Of course she was a clone."

Another moment of silence. This one was a bit longer than usual.

"So how do we get to Earth. Assuming you two want to come along," Blasto suggested.

Pox cleared his throat. "Well we're standing on a giant stone platform in the middle of a black hole. I don't see any way out of this one."

"Hmph." Crypto frowned. "And you call yourself a genius."

The stone platform began to rumble a bit. Tigra sprang up alarmingly, throwing Phil off of her back and a few feet away, landing near the beacon.

"Phil!" Gladys ran over to help him up.

The platform rumbled more violently and the beacon shimmered, losing its rich crimson color.

"Gladys! Phil!" Blasto yelled.

The Furons all climbed aboard Tigra as she ran over to help. Gladys lifted Phil by the arm and leaned his body against hers while Phil was barely conscious.

The entire platform crumbled from the edges. Pieces of cobblestone flung off and into the distance. They began to group into some kind of mass.

Gladys hopped aboard Tigra with Phil in her arms. 

Tigra whimpered as she turned and ran around the beacon in circles, not knowing how to avoid the crumbling platform.

"Tigra! Sit still," Crypto commanded. She did as told.

Crypto looked over into the distance of the dark void. A mass of cobblestone and rock was forming into a giant ball. But it wasn't a ball. It was more like a torso.

Crypto pulled himself into Tigra's head and stood up slowly to get a better look.

"What is that!?" Pox yelled over the crumbling of stone.

The ball slowly formed thick rocky arms out of the stone. Then the ball unfolded itself into a large torso. And then a head. The eyes were pitch black on the massive golem.

Suddenly the beacon shimmered and redirected itself into the golem's mouth. The giant cobblestone man absorbed the energy beacon all at once and his eyes lit up the same crimson color as the beacon.

He had no lower half. It was only the upper half of his body. Where the stone giant's legs should have been was a swirling mass of stone and rock right below the waist.

The golem floated in the emptiness of the void, the background losing it's purplish shade and turning into a sickly reddish-black. The golem's crimson eyes shimmered as he towered over the stone platform, looking down at the Furons and Kalkamans.

He placed his hands onto the platform and zoomed in close. A single one of his eyes was twice as big as Crypto's saucer and his mouth large enough to swallow Tigra whole. 

"AHHHHH!" The golem bellowed a mighty roar that shook the entire void. "Deep down inside I knew I was wrong." His voice was deeply amplified, almost like a god. "Destroying planets isn't the only way to acheive what I want..."  


DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now