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Furon itself was consumed by a vortex of matter.

The entire planet imploded on itself and swirled clockwise as everything Crypto and Pox have ever known was destroyed in a matter of seconds, the crimson energy beam being the central point of the vortex.

Pox shut his eyes and looked away, listening the ripping sound of a planet.

Magnus grinned, his hand still connected to the beacon as he destroyed Furon with the very object that created it. "This power is immense... I feel the energy. Right here, right now, I will create my own planet!" he roared over the ripping sound of energy, time, and space.

"You monster... You're gonna pay for this, Magnus," Crypto whispered. He knew he couldn't just sit there. He had to fight. The time for a final stand was now.

His pockets suddenly felt heavy. Crypto's face lit up. He totally forgot about his weapons. That wasn't like him. He turned to face the others. "Quick. Magnus is distracted. Blasto I need you to turn around and push my weapons cube out of my pocket."

Blasto did as he was told. With one painful punch to the thigh, Crypto's weapons flew out. He crab crawled backwards and cupped the cube in his restrained hands.

"Alright... Please work." Crypto nodded at Pox, Gladys, Blasto, and Phil. "If we're gonna do this, we're doing it in style..." He turned so his back faced the beacon.

Magnus was enjoying himself as Furon was almost completely dissolved in the vortex.

"TIGRA! I CHOOSE YOU!" Crypto tossed the cube behind him where it exploded in midair. The giant furball of a monster leaped out of the explosion and tackled Magnus to the hard stone floor. Tigra bared her fangs and held him down.

It began raining weapons. Every weapon Crypto ever had fell right  around the beacon ready to be used.

Gladys eyed the laser sword and hopped over to it. Orthoneises was freaking out, trying to remove Magnus from Tigra's grip. The beacon was still firing the crimson beam at Furon, but the process had slowed when Magnus was removed along with the Hand of Lucius.

Gladys gripped the laser sword and activated it. The blade sprung out, cutting the chains loose. She sliced the chains binding her legs and quickly untied Crypto and Phil.

Orthoneises noticed and charged a PK sphere. He launched it at Crypto.

Gladys swung the laser sword and deflected the PK sphere into the beacon. A pulse of crimson light blew everyone backwards and knocked Tigra off of Magnus.

Magnus angrily stood up, unsheathing his golden ivory sword. Orthoneises charged another sphere at his side. Meanwhile Gladys unchained Pox and Blasto.

Magnus swung at Tigra. She jumped behind Crypto and bared her fangs, ready to leap again. 

"I don't even know why you try anymore!" Magnus yelled. "I've destroyed both of your homes. There's nothing left for you! Give up!"

Crypto stepped forward. "Furon is my species. It's where I came from and where I was born. But it wasn't my home... It was never my home."

Blasto positioned himself in a fighting stance. "Our real home still exists. The only question is, will you live to destroy it?"

Phil zoomed out into the open, grabbing the Disentegrator Ray and blasting at Magnus. Orthoneises launched his sphere where it expanded into a globe the size of a minivan. The blasts of heat energy enetered the translucent globe and slowed down.

Magnus stepped out of the way as the shots exited through the other side of the globe and disappeared into the void's deep end.

"POX! Find a way to disable the beacon! Magnus is mine!" Crypto jumped backwards onto Tigra with Blasto, Gladys, and Phil lined up in front of him. Tigra leaped over the three and together, they charged.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now