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No one does grand like Zemptrans. The capitol building was about fifty stories high with all glass windows covering the outside. It loomed over the entire central island, and being the only building on it, made it even more spectacular. A giant plaza spread out around the building and greeted visitors with fountains of the clearest water you will ever see. Crypto and Gladys entered the plaza and met up with Pox and Phil who were waiting on the marble stairs leading to the building.

Pox waved his hands in the air. "Over here!"

Phil was sitting on a step and looked up at the sound of Pox's voice.

"Hey guys." Gladys ran up the steps with Crypto following behind her and stumbling at the sight of the building's entrance.

Columns of marble made a semicircle around the entrance and supported a black marble roof. The stairs curved around the sides of the patio and added up to about two stories of just an entrance. The patio floor was made up of a black and white marble checkerboard curved into a semicircle and continued inside the building, visible through the glass doors. The columns lined the edges of the checkerboard and held up the patio roof, also shaped into a semicircle. Pox hovered to the top of what seemed like the longest stairs ever and waited for the rest of the group as they wearily ran up the steps to the patio.

"I only have two bronze coins which is enough for four people exactly. So please try not to get thrown out or anything," Pox warned.

"No promises," Crypto mumbled.

"Once inside, we'll split up. Phil will go with Crypto and Gladys can come with me. Got it?"

"Got it," they agreed.

"Alright. Let's stop Mag-" Pox cut himself off, remembering that Magnus runs Zemptra now. "Let's find a glove." He winked.

Together, they walked inside the museum and were greeted by the smell of paint and crayons. Pox dug out the coins from his pocket and held them open in his palm. Two cupid statues standing near the entrance came to life and snatched up the bronze coins in Pox's hands.


The statues went back to being still.

"Pox, you're so stupid you got robbed by a statue!" Crypto yelled.

Out of nowhere, a white Box hovered down suspended by chopper blades that spun rapidly. The box slid open from the front and revealed a black screen that lit up and reflected two digital eyes as well as a mouth that moved when it spoke. "Hello. I'm Nemus. Sorry about that. The statues collect the money. You had the right idea holding your palms open."

Everyone gazed awkwardly at the robot.

"I know this is weird. You must be new to Zemptra, correct?"

They all nodded nervously, except for Gladys.

"I'm the tour guide for new-comers. If there is anything you would like to know about the city and it's history as well as culture, I'm your man! Well... I'm your bot." Digital specks of green gathered on the sides of its mouth, a sure sign of blushing.

"Well Nemus, we were actually just going to... look around," said Pox.

"Oh okay! No worries! No problem! I'm just going to have to do a quick pat down." Thin metal arms sprung out from the sides of his box and waved in front of the group. Nemus went in to pat down Pox, but instead shot out a blue light from his fingertips and scanned everyone. "Looks like you're all good!"

Pox walked past Nemus followed by everyone else. "Thanks."

They walked further into the museum and came into an atrium. The inside was a giant cylinder about as wide as the length of an airplane. The cylinder stretched up into the air for about twenty stories and had countless flights of stairs lining the sides of the giant atrium. The skeleton of what looked like a dragon was suspended from the twenty story high ceiling and hovered just two stories off the ground.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now