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Pox prepared for his worldwide speech which was written on a piece of notebook paper. He stepped onto the podium and awaited the signal.

"Okay. When you're ready sir," said the TV producer. He exited the balcony.

"I don't know about this Orthoneises. What if everyone gets freaked out."

"They won't. This plan will work and they have nothing to worry about." Orthoneises rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

"It better work. I'm not putting thousands of lives on the line for no reason." Pox sounded shaky. But Orthoneises was correct. The people have a right to know what happened to their loved ones lost on the Fourth Ring. The TV producer came out and placed and earpiece into Pox's ear.

"Emperor Orthopox? Are you ready?"

"Yes." Pox straightened himself and made a stern face as the cameras folded out and focused on his face.

The earpiece in his head signaled, "okay, aaaaand, you're live."

"...Citizens of Furon, at 10:23 yesterday morning, the Fourth Ring was attacked by a mass fleet of ships. My summer palace was destroyed along with the city and its people. I assure you though, justice will be brought to your lost love ones. We have a mission. This plan cannot and will not fail because we have a back up and the best army anyone could hope for. It is a day like this that spells war. We were usually the kindest of species and do not encourage violence, but that has changed over the years hasn't it? Someone would dare attack our city when we try to stay neutral in this war. The man responsible is Magnus. There's no telling what kind of technology he has, but it was enough to destroy the city shield and take over the Fourth Ring. He's truly evil to kill harmless civilians and take over multiple planets.

...That's right. We are not the first. The Zemptress Empire has been experiencing multiple war battles for freedom of Zemptra. ...People of Furon, may you rest easy tonight knowing we will handle this. But be warned... Magnus is not to be taken lightly. This is a war we are at. It is a war we do not want. But in order for us to live and prosper... some must leave. To the victims of the families in the city: I know we cannot feel your exact pain, but we do hold your hands in these hard times. As for everyone else... know you're a Furon and serve your duties on this planet we call home. ...And be proud of it... Our species will survive these times and we will prevail whether anyone likes it or not. As are not the first planet to be ravaged from this war... but we will be the last..."

Pox suddenly heard a loud buzzing in his earpiece. He quickly pulled it out and tossed it onto the ground. "What the hell!"

"Emperor, come here!" Orthoneises signaled Pox to follow him.

They went inside the TV station and saw everyone gathered in front of the TV. Pox heard a voice, but no one was talking, it was coming from it. He pushed his way in the crowd and saw what-no, not what, but who. "What is this?!" Pox asked.

"It's being broadcasted live worldwide, it started after your speech was over."

Pox couldn't believe it. The deep, raspy voice belonged to Magnus.

"...I don't for one. You Furons are neutral, yes I know. But you stand in my way. I know you have a very outstanding army and that's just what I need. My plan is simple, earth isn't what it used to be. Earth is crap, turmoil, every other terrible word in the book, but those humans don't realize it. I know what you're thinking, if I'm from Gadris, why do I look like a human? BECAUSE I AM ONE. But I'm not like those pitiful things back on earth. I'm so much more... I'm Magnus! My plan is so amazing and fantastic, that it isn't even worth your ears. So I'll let you all off with a warning... stay out of my way and let me conquer your planet and we will have no more deaths. Agreed? I will let your emperor decide the fate of you Furons and then we will see if I should kill you all or not..."

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now