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The DNA bank was packed with people half limbed, almost dead, and deformed. Pox was one of those people. Compared to everyone else, he was the most normal however.

"Pox? Where do we go?" asked Crypto.

"Inside, there's a cloning machine." Pox slowly got into the wheelchair that Orthoneises held. He almost stumbled onto the ground and would have gone unconscious again if it wasn't for Crypto.

Banks on Furon weren't usually this packed, but this was a DNA bank. A DNA was basically like a sperm bank, except here you could clone anything and anyone if you had their sample of blood, DNA. Pox maneuvered himself through the crowd of deformed Furons who were probably also coming from the Fourth Ring. They stepped inside the bank and were smacked in the face with the scent of desperation. The atmosphere was gloomy and depressing as people moaned in pain, you would think this was a hospital.

"Look at all these people..." whispered Crypto. Some were missing legs and arms, but others were just a full on mess. Crypto turned to catch a glimpse of a Fourth Ring police officer with half of his face burned off. The charred shreds of what was left was unbearable to look at.

The DNA bank looked like a regular bank. People sat in waiting chairs and tried to keep their limbs in one piece. Furons were lined up along the walls that led into a back room where a bright blue light illuminated the walls and floor.

"That must be it," said Orthoneises.

"Well let's get in there," mumbled Crypto.

"Yea, yea!" added Pox. "...Sorry."

Crypto watched a little boy as he held onto his mom's hands, only to slip away as she stepped inside the cloning machine. "You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in here was from the Fourth Ring. When I get my hands on Magnus I'm going to rip his throat out with my teeth!"

Pox jumped out of his wheelchair and practiced walking. He slowly wobbled over to the counter while tripping over his own tail. "Enjoy walking while you can, Pox," he whispered to himself.

"Pox! Use your wheelchair," yelled Crypto. He ran over to help him keep steady just in case he decides to go unconscious for the third time again.

"I got it, Crypto! Let me enjoy using LEGS!" Pox pulled away and tripped on his tail but managed to grab onto the counter and catch himself.

"Hello how may I help you?" The clerk has a squeaky girly voice that didn't match her Furon traits.

"Uh, yes. I'm Emperor Orthopox and I need to get my body back as you can see." Pox did a handstand and lifted his butt in the air like he did when he was unconscious.

"Oh yes. Right away sir. TAMMY!" The clerk's voice resonated throughout the bank.

Another clerk came stumbling out of the cloning rooms. She looked a little loopy. "YES?!"

"Take the emperor here to a cloning room." She waved her hand towards a door that was secluded way in the corner of the bank.

"RIGHT AWAY!" Tammy supported herself on the cold granite countertops and made her way around the desk to Pox. "Follow ME!" She wobbled towards the door and bumped into multiple Furons.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Crypto whispered to the clerk.

"She's uh, a little mental, she was cloned." The clerk went back to writing checks and picking up phone calls.

They followed Tammy into the back room as she held the door open for Pox who was picking at his fur and scratching himself in a lot of unusual places. Crypto and Orthoneises quickly followed behind him.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now