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Crypto slowly got up, his head pounding from the explosion. He looked over at Pox who was lying face down with his butt in the air and his tail flailing. The barrier was down. Ships started landing and blasting everything in their way. "POX! Get up!" Crypto slid his arms under Pox's and helped him up. He was surprisingly light for an orangutan. His forehead was cold and his eyes were heavy, Pox was knocked out. "Screw it." Crypto lay him inside the saucer and activated the invisibility, cloaking him from further harm. A huge ship hovered above the city and then opened a hatch under what looked like the cockpit. Crypto was expecting Sergeant Retard to step out so he could personally blast him out of the city. But instead, the ship released countless mini pods that shot out like bullets and landed into the floating asteroids. Crypto waited for them to explode but again, he predicted wrong.

He never thought they would be seen again, Nexos. Nexos are just like Furons except their supposed to be extinct. Over thirty years ago, Crypto had killed everyone behind the operation that brought back Nexos and used them as a weapon in order to eliminate him and Pox. Emperor Meningitis was replicating Furon DNA in order to bring the Nexos back after extinction. But Crypto thought they were all gone. They had to be, Meningitis was no more, his master was killed by Pox, Saxon was killed by the Nexos, and Francodyne was destroyed.  There was no one left to replicate them.

A capsule shot open and the Nexos poured out, one by one, 3 in each Pod. They had green skin, like Furons, except lighter and almost neon. Their body parts were connected by wires that band together by a single rubber band. Their eyes are pure lime green and always have a look of a warrior, intimidating and angry. They stood hunched over and had legs like kangaroos, except the legs were nothing but green wire with soles to help them stand on, and hands that transformed into cannons. Most were green, but they came in colors of blue and red as well. Their mouths were nothing but wires falling out of place and connected to their necks so they could breathe but could easily be snapped and tied, not like they needed to live anyway.

A Nexo charged at Crypto and slammed itself flat on the steel platform when Crypto dodged quickly to strike back. Crypto searched his tool belt but could not find his weapon carrier. He quickly ran to the saucer and opened it, trying not to expose Pox. A Nexo charged his right arm, ready to fire. Crypto ransacked the glove compartment putting aside and ripping up old traffic tickets he'll never pay off. And then he found it. The weapon carrier looked exactly like the generator for the shields expect it was cubed and only 5 inches wide. He uncapped it just as the Nexo let loose his cannon and blasted a green missile. Crypto reached inside the cube and pulled out a huge orange ray gun 2 feet long, defying the laws of physics. He slammed the trigger and blasted the missile into nothing. The Nexos looked confused. Pox designed all of Crypto's weapons, of course they would be Nexo proof. The gun was all black with an orange trim, kind of like his saucer, except it had three holes at the end for triple fire.

"Come at me!" Crypto yelled as he ran towards the other Nexos who were now picking up Furon civilians  and dropping them onto the platforms watching them fall and smash their faces. He got in his fighting stance and pulled the trigger. The orange beams obliterated the Nexos in seconds. The mother ship was advancing and starting to drop more units to attack. Crypto had no idea why they were attacking, but if he could take out the mother ship the fleet would stop. As soon as he was finished thinking, the same worker that helped them with the amplifier ran up to Crypto. "Hey! Do you see this?! What's going on?!" he yelled. "I don't know, but we need to take down that huge ship," Crypto screamed over the explosions. "I got an idea!" He followed the worker through all the chaos and destruction. Condos fell onto their platforms and split in half, exploding and shredding debris. Crypto looked back at his saucer, but he couldn't see it because of the invisibility function.

"What do we do?" Crypto asked. "The city defense systems can shoot at almost any distance, but they need to be programmed for that!" "So lets get them running!" Workers scattered as a Nexo landed in front of them and slashed with their arms. An industrial worker tripped over someone else's body and was pushing himself away while doing a crab walk. The Nexo stepped forward and smashed him with his massive forearms. He was reduced to a blue dust as the Nexos scanned the area for anymore Furons. Crypto turned to his new friend, "Uhhh, did you see that?!" "Yea..." "What's your name?" "Charles." "Charles? That's a human name." "So?" A Nexo ship landed in the area that was cleared and Charles almost fainted when he saw the doors to the ship open. Crypto pulled Charles behind something that looked like a dumpster and they hid.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now