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Blasts of orange and green flares lit up the control room as Crypto did his best to fend off the swarm of Nexos while they launched attacks of their own.

Pox had put up a wall of PK energy to suppress attacks but couldn't hold it for long as it only angered them more.

Phil and Gladys could only hide behind Blasto and watch the destruction unfold.

"Crypto!" Pox yelled over the ruckus. "That plan of yours?!"

Crypto backed up closer to Pox and shot countless beams from his Disintegrator Ray. "My jetpack!"

A light bulb went off in Pox's mind. Why hadn't he thought of using Crypto's jetpack? It was quick and easy. But the only problem was getting five individuals into the vent without getting shot down by the Nexos. But then Pox realized something else.

"Isn't it out of batteries though?"

"Dammit, I forgot!" Crypto scolded himself. "Cover me!"

Pox moved in front of Crypto and rematerialized the PK wall in front of them. Meanwhile Crypto frantically rummaged through his backpack for something.

"Got it!" He dug out two double A batteries, the ones Nemus had stolen from Crypto back on Zemptra.

Crypto unzipped the jetpack carrier pocket on his backpack and slid in the two batteries. He closed the hatch and the wings unfolded and spewed blue fire from the edges. Crypto sprang into the air and hovered until a Nexo targeted him and shot a missile.

Pox thinned the shield in order to expand it and was able to cover Crypto from ten feet off the ground. The projectile smashed into the shield and shattered it. Shards of PK energy rained down and dissipated into thin air.

Crypto switched off the jetpack and landed next to Gladys. "One at a time. The rest of you can distract the Nexos so they don't see us escaping."

One of the Nexos charged at full speed into the group. Blasto immediately pushed Crypto and Gladys out of the way and defensively stood in the Nexo's path.

The robot obliterated into bits and pieces as it collided with Blasto's fist. 

Pox stared at him in awe while trying to hold another shield up. "How did you do that?"

"I'll explain later."

Pox rolled his eyes, tired of hearing that sentence.

Crypto took off with Gladys and zoomed for the vent. Luckily the Nexos paid no attention to them and focused more on Blasto's iron punches and Pox's indestructible shields. Phil was cowering behind Blasto though, unable to help.

"On a count of three!" Crypto yelled near Glady's face. "I'm gonna have to toss you!"

"What!? No!"

"We don't have enough time! Just do it!" And with that, Crypto swung Gladys into the vent where she nervously held onto the ledge and hulled herself inside.

"I'll see where it goes! Keep Phil safe for me, please!"

A burst of light exploded above the vent and scraped the wall with burns. Crypto spun around on his jetpack leaving Gladys to crawl further into the vent and into what could be their only chance of escaping.

"I'll hold them off!" he yelled at Gladys as he fired multiple shots into the swarm of Nexos.

Even with the Disintegrator Ray obliterating Nexos in one blast, it seemed to do nothing. They multiplied like flies.

A familiar voice suddenly bellowed from afar, "DAD! THERE'S TOO MANY!"

Crypto swung his head towards the sound and found Blasto completely engulfed in a sea of robots. In the time it took a Nexo to transform his arms into cannons, Blasto had already knocked away three in a single blow. 

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن