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Crypto was more stunned by the sound of the gates breaking open and only heard Rasko say something like, "-IRE!" The beast however completely topped the chart of most shocking things that seemed to happen in less than a second.

It was about twice the size of Tigra and had snowy white fur. The claws and fangs on it however were about the same size, but some how seemed even more nerve-racking. Like Tigra, it had two clear white gargantuan fangs that it bared at foes, but unlike Tigra, were not visible from outside its mouth. Glimmering wickedly sharp Icicles grew straight from its back, head, heels, elbows, and knees. It walked on its hind legs but would often get down on all fours and crawl around sniffing for soldiers. The four limbs were all attached to its head, a sphere of frost white fur as wide as Crypto's saucer.

The beast had no eyes however and reminded Crypto so much of Tigra.

Bullets and missiles penetrated the monster and got it in every possible spot. Once the barrage of missiles and bullets was over, the smoke cleared, revealing no damage whatsoever, not even a scratch.

"AAAWWWRRR!" The thing sounded like a mix of a lion and a gorilla.

Cynthia blasted it with her pistol and got the beast right in the spot where its eyes should be. "Gotcha!"

The thing shook its head and shrugged off the wound as if nothing happened. Crypto saw the bullet pop out and land at his feet. He looked up at the monster and noticed the wound was covered in ice, regenerating.

"What the hell!" Crypto drew his Disintegrator Ray and took aim at the beast. He'd taken on some pretty weird creatures and things in his life, but this was different. The monster was quick and agile but strong and fierce at the same time.

For a moment it stood at the front of the outpost, scanning the camp. It then spotted the red beams and went berserk. The thing got on all fours and leaped around the courtyard smashing medical tents, vehicles, and broken war machines brought for repairs. Rasko and his troops went nuts and scattered among the debris and patches of fire.

A group of soldiers emerged from the large alley between the two towers with a tank behind them.


The tank launched three missiles that spiraled towards the monster. The beast stood up on its hind legs and swung its hands upward.

A wall of icicles rose in front of it and shielded it from the explosions of the missiles that scattered shards of the wall everywhere.

More soldiers were now getting up and aiming their weapons after being knocked out from the gate's explosion. Even Pox held up a metal pipe and swung it wildly in effort to stop the beast.

It grunted and looked around frantically. "...RAAAWRR!" The beast lunged at the tank and dispersed the unit of soldiers guarding it. It clawed at the main gun and got a grip of it. The monster lifted the tank by the gun and lugged it a few feet before lifting it into the air and smashing it over a hover bike like a hammer.

The tank erupted into a ball of fire and smoke. Debris and fire scattered the courtyard as the monster was only getting started. It growled deeply as it looked for more things to destroy.

"HEY!" Crypto waved his arms and flailed another one of his odd weapons towards the beast.

"Crypto, no!" Cynthia pushed him aside and only put herself in the way instead.

Crypto got up and angrily pushed her out of the way. "I got this!"

"Wait!" Cynthia got his attention and tossed Crypto two dirty brown backpacks. "The excavation team dug those out of the wreckage."

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora