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The top half of Orthoneises flung to the left while the other was tossed to the right.

The invisible force shimmered in an outline of neon blue. Standing where Orthoneises took his final breath was a young boy with wavy golden brown hair, cargo shorts, torn up Vans, and scratch wounds on his skin.

"I'LL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!" Magnus lunged at Phil.

Phil quickly smashed a shard of neon blue energy right on Magnus's forehead and kicked his face making him fall backward onto the stone floor.

Phil's eyes were drowned out by the same neon blue aura surrounding his body.

"...Phil?" Crypto called out. No response.

Phil stood over Magnus, looking down at him as if he might just kill him right then and there. This was the moment Magnus would pay for all of his crimes commited. This was the moment of vengeance.

But it never happened.

Instead, the light around Phil faded and his eyes shut as he fell backward onto the floor.

Pox gazed at the scene, looking left to right for any signs of Orthoneises's body parts. "...What... the-fuck?"

Crypto pushed himself off of the ground and ran over to Phil. "Hey! Get up! You good? Phil?" The void's eerie hollow echo filled the atmosphere. "Phil... please."

Tigra scurried over to Crypto, her large paws shaking the stone flooring. She sniffed Phil's hair and licked his face, whimpering.

Blasto slid off Tigra's back. In his long arms was Gladys's body. Crypto looked up at his son, blinking the tears out of his eyes.

"They should go together," Blasto mumbled. He set Gladys down next to Phil and their bodies lay together, motionless.

"They shouldn't have come. Why did we let them come?" Crypto sobbed.

"They had nothing left," Pox answered. "Getting revenge on Magnus was their only goal."

They stood there for a while. The silence was peaceful. But at the same time, Crypto wanted to leave the void and forget any of this ever happened. Like it was all a dream.

The silence was pierced by a small voice. "Actually I wanted to visit Earth."

The Furons turned to their fellow Kalkaman friends. Gladys sat upright and rubbed her eyes. Phil stood up all the way. His hands were covered it a swirling neon blue gas. He flailed his arms as the gas dissipated.

"PHIL!" Gladys stood up and lunged at him with her arms around his neck. Their lips touched.

The Furons all looked away casually.

"Ow. Please don't. I have a really bad headache," Phil explained.

Gladys held him close. "Me too."

"You're both alive? How?" Crypto gasped.

Gladys chuckled. "A little damage to the head doesn't kill me. " She smiled all cherubic-like.

Phil let go of Gladys and rubbed his head. "I have... the biggest headache ever. But other than that, I feel fine."

Pox hovered next to Phil and examined him. "Do you remember anything?"

"Not really... The last thing I remember is being tossed into the energy beacon."

Blasto gasped. "So it did work..."

Crypto turned to face Blasto who was leaning against Tigra with his arms folded. "What worked?" he asked.

Blasto cleared his throat. "Well... you wouldn't know this because you weren't around when I was born, but, mom used to read me these stories about a distant planet called Furon. She wouldn't tell me that it was real, of course. One of those stories was a folktale titled: 'The Void.' It was about a man in space who found this very mysterious void. The man then found this very energy beacon and accidently fell into it, giving him incredible abilities. Phil was dead for a moment... so I figued, why not?" 

"Incredible... abilities?" Pox gazed at Phil. "Do you remember killing Orthoneises?"

Phil got wide-eyed. "W-what? I killed him?"

Crypto laughed. "Yeah. You went all blue 'n shit and sliced the douche right in half."

"Not to mention, you saved me and Crypto," Pox added.

A moaning echoed from somewhere behind them.

Magnus was crawling on his hands and knees to the energy beacon. "My plans can still work..." He lifted his right arm. Nothing  happened.

Magnus examined the Hand of Lucius. The ruby that was been embedded into the palm, was broken. A piece of it was chipped off.

"No... NOO!" Magnus ran his fingers through his lime green hair and pulled as if it were a wig, the glove still covering his right hand. "AHHHH!"

Pox chuckled. "What do we do with him-"

Phil's body and eyes took on the mysterious neon aura again. He slowly stepped forward as Crypto and Pox parted to make way. 

Gladys squealed. "Erm... Phil?"

Phil stepped towards Magnus who was now on his knees facing the beacon.

Magnus's voice was shaky. "Go ahead... Say it. I was... wrong."

Phil's voice was the same, only it seemed to be amplified ten times as more. "You were more than wrong." His voice boomed throughout the void. Magnus turned around on his knees and looked up at Phil. "You were powerless..."

Magnus gave Phil one last punch in the stomach. But his punch bounced off harmlessly. Magnus sat there staring up at Phil. Usually it would have been the other way around, but not this time.

Phil's hands charged with the same neon blue energy he used to kill Orthoneises.

"Deep down inside," Magnus began. "I knew I was wrong-"

Phil slammed his hands together and watched the blast of neon energy dig into Magnus. The energy slammed into his chest and ripped Magnus apart in a display of small neon specs.

Magnus's hands dissipated into tiny specs of energy which spread throughout his body starting from his legs and arms.

And then, like he never existed, Magnus was gone.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now