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Magnus still wore his oversized black collar and his dark, torn robe. His olive green hair was in an odd position, as if he just woke up and didn't comb it. "Load them onto the ship. We need to discuss private matters."

The Nexos led the way to the center of the platform. Crypto got down on both knees and put his hands behind his head. Pox stayed in his chair and didn't move at all. A small drop ship came down and opened its sides. Magnus slowly walked in and took a seat on the bench suspended by chains attached to the walls of the aircraft. Two Nexos kept their weapons aimed at Pox and Crypto as they followed and sat on either side of Magnus. The Nexos shut the aircraft doors and they took off towards the mother ship.

"Wonderful isn't it?" Magnus glanced at Crypto who was making an annoyed face. "Lighten up. I won't kill you." 

"Magnus, you're not getting away with this. You should know the bad guy always loses," said Pox.

"That's why I'm not a bad guy. I'm a bringer of a new future."

"Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?" Crypto sneered at him.

"Don't question me. That's my job." Magnus stood up in front of them and put his hands behind his back.

The aircraft flew into a hangar that opened up under the mother ship. The doors creaked open and the Nexos ordered Pox and Crypto out. Magnus followed behind them, smiling.

"Get them in chains," he ordered.

A Nexo walked up beside them holding two grass-green bracelets. The bracelets snapped open and clicked onto Pox's neck, as did Crypto's. They suddenly couldn't move at all. Crypto forced his arms to reach for his itching neck but they didn't respond.

"Those are cerebral chains. They disrupt communications between the brain and your limbs," explained Magnus.

Magnus snapped his fingers and walked off. The Nexos carried Pox and Crypto over their shoulders down a seemingly endless hallway. White glossy tiles made up every inch of each corridor and reflected the shining white lights along the floor. A room opened up at the end of the hallway exposing a huge office. A desk sat across from the doorway and a giant glass window curved in a semicircle behind the desk chair. The floor had a pattern etched into it that seemed to emanate some source of energy: Σ. The Nexos shoved Pox and Crypto into two smaller chairs facing the desk. Magnus rushed in behind the Nexos and sat down at his desk.

"So let's talk. Surrender now. I already have a fleet ready to invade the capitol in order to get what I want. Just tell me your planet surrenders and then I won't have to kill any more Furons." Magnus began combing his hair.

"What's the point? You'll end up angering the civilians, they might just fight back on their own," said Pox.

"So I'll kill them, simple."

Crypto started to slip from his chair. "I won't let you."

"Well you can't stop me." Magnus put his comb away and stood up.

Crypto concentrated hard on the collar, trying to get it off with his PK ability.

"That's a pretty amazing ability. PK, short for psycho-kinetic, allowing you Furons to lift objects and people many times your own weight and size... truly incredible." Magnus paced the room.

"That Kyphinx was pretty smart," said Crypto, sarcastically.

"Wasn't it? They can jump great distances to catch up with speeding aircrafts." Magnus winked.

"What do you want Magnus?"

"Like I said, surrender your planet's army and military forces and we will be fine, no deaths."

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now