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"They call it, The Hand of Lucius," mumbled Pox. 

"Correct, Pox." Magnus waved his hand and rotated the diagram. "It was created by Lucius himself, the first ruler of the Zemptress Empire. Its sole purpose was to amplify the Furon powers known as psycho-kinetic or PK for short. This glove allowed the wearer, even a human, to move anything with the wave of a hand."

"Rumor has it, it could even move planets," said Pox.

Crypto gazed at the diagram. "That's insane."

Pox and Crypto were startled at the boom of Magnus's voice, "Correct again Pox!"

"Can you turn that down a little?!" yelled Crypto.


Crypto pounded his hand down on a Nexo's working area. The Nexo stood up and transformed its arm into a cannon aiming at Crypto. 

"Stand down," ordered Magnus. The Nexo sat down and exchanged ugly glances with Crypto.

Crypto walked over and stood next to Pox. "I would have won anyways."

Pox smirked at him. "You ain't real."

"Now you may be asking why I need this artifact. The answer is simple." Magnus rose from his chair and leaned on the railing. "That gem inside of it, it's extremely rare and contains a certain energy that it radiates. If I could tap into some of that energy, I could use it for my plan."

"So you're saying this is pretty much just step one?" asked Pox.

"Bingo. You're on a roll Pox." Magnus paced around his chair. "This energy has enough to start its own black hole. I'm not using it to destroy things however. If used correctly, it can rearrange planet's genes, if you will."

Crypto turned around and almost bumped into Magnus who somehow got down from the balcony really fast. "What are you saying?"

"I'm going to rearrange the planets. Every planet within the radius of this black hole will get sucked in and broken up into pieces. Once all of the pieces are broken up and ready, which could take about two days, they will reform into a new, even bigger planet. And that... that, will be my new world to rule..." 

Pox didn't know how to feel. He felt a little stupid that Lucius would keep this kind of power in a glove. But he also felt really angry that Magnus could even think of doing something like this. He would be destroying the homes of millions of ancient alien species that have thrived in the depths of space for  eons. "You're out of your mind."

"I know I am." Magnus smirked. "Why didn't I think of this sooner?"

"Only a complete psychopath could rule an entire world by himself," said Crypto.

"That's the thing. I AM A PSYCHOPATH!" Magnus's voice was filled with confidence but at the same time there was fear hidden in there somewhere.

"And you're doing all of this for what Magnus?" asked Pox.

"To show them..."

"Show who?"

"THE HUMANS!" Magnus angrily got in the Furon's face. "Those pitiful idiots. I'm going to show them that I am so much better."

Pox felt like punching Magnus but knew he would only trigger another escape plan that would most likely fail. "Aren't you a human though?"

"I'm half Gadris." Magnus pulled up his sleeve an revealed a black symbol etched within his pale skin: Σ. "I'll show all those humans. Haha. The look on their faces when I show up with my armada and demolish their cities, priceless..."

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now