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Even with the night vision, nothing was visible.

Cynthia leaned forward and pressed her face on the glass. "Where are we...?"

"Well so much for trying," Pox mumbled. "After all, it IS a black hole. I doubt we'll be seeing anything but emptiness."

"Well Magnus seemed to be doing fine," Gladys pointed out.

"Yes, well, let's just keep going."

The saucer slowly ventured deeper into the pit, seeing nothing but an occasional streak of white lights in the distance.

"We got something!" Crypto exclaimed.

The streaks grew larger the further the saucer went.

"I don't know how I feel about this," Gladys whispered.

Phil grabbed her hand. "Just hope for the best...."

Gladys didn't know if he meant they could possibly die or if he was trying to be optimistic. Either way, she was scared out of her mind.

"Do you guys hear that?" Blasto pressed his left ear against the glass.

Everyone held their breathe and listened. Thump... thump... thump... THUMP! It was steady, like a heart beat.

Blasto jumped back. "It's getting louder."

"No shit," Crypto sneered. 

No one even had to press their ears against the glass. With every white streak followed a steady "heart thump." It grew louder but only by a little.

"I say we blast it!" Crypto shrieked.

Pox cleared his voice. "Excuse me?"

"I say we blast the white stuff. See what happens, you know?"

RIP! The streaks doubled in size and in pitch. It sounded like a cricket's chirp magnified by speakers. Suddenly two of the streaks intersected like a giant X and smashed against the saucer with an invisible force.

The night vision and the saucer's lights went out. Everything went absolutely dark as the entire saucer rumbled. If anyone was screaming, no one was heard over the noise.

Crypto felt his way around but had no control whatsoever. He bounced around the saucer like a pinball and bumped into the other five. The rumbling never seemed to stop though. Eventually Crypto hit his head so many times, he just blacked out...


Crypto awoke to his own reflection staring back at him with a bleeding wound stretching from his upper lip to his left eyelid, blood drizzling down his cheek like tears.

He lifted his head slowly trying to ignore the searing pain shooting down his spine and throughout his body. In front of him was a shard of glass, showing the reflection in which he woke up to.

"Where the hell..." Breathing heavily, Crypto looked to his sides and saw nothing but a purplish hue of darkness, white streaks circling and shooting like comets across the void. It was beautiful, but it wasn't enough to distract him from the pain in his body.

Crypto pushed off the cold ground and looked below him in a push-up position. A drop of blood from his cheek landed beneath him. "Ground...? There's a floor here?," he whispered, the cold energy from the void seeping out of his mouth.

He set himself back down and rolled over, his shoulder blades aching against the stone floor. Crypto's eyes widened as he saw the cockpit chair of the saucer leaning directly above him, creaking and threatening to come loose any second.

DESTROY ALL HUMANS: INTO THE VOIDWhere stories live. Discover now