Chapter 7

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A week later

I woke up at 8 am thanks to the boys. they decided to play music and have the volume on high. i groaned and put my pillow over my head to block the noise out but it didn't help at all. i decided just to wake up. i took my phone and began to look trough my social media. I scrolled trough my instagram and saw a picture of the girls and I from last week. It was Mia who had posted it. I liked the picture and commented: We're lookin' bomb af!!

I then looked at the comments on my own picture i posted last week. A lot of people were commenting #Zabi. I was so confused. I scrolled higher up and saw that Zach had comment on my picture. I looked at the comment. He wrote to some girl that if she didn't have anything nice to say then she should leave and then people began to ship us because he was sticking up for me or something. I just laughed. Me and Zach. A couple? I dont think so. I closed my phone and went to the kitchen. The only person in the kitchen was Jonah. we had talked a bit but i was still a little mad at him. I will forgive him as soon as he said he would stop acting like dad but i don't see that coming anytime soon.

I went straight to the fridge and grab a water bottle. As i was about to go back to my room, Jonah stopped me. "What" i said not even paying attention. "How long are you gonna be mad at me" Jonah said. "Um... until you stop acting like dad and actually letting me leave the house without you up my butt" i said and walked into my room. I found som clothes to wear and hopped in the shower. When i was done, I brushed me teeth and brushed my hair. I put my clothes on and decided not to wear makeup today. I walked out of my room and out in the backyard were the boys was skating. Well Daniel and Jack was. Zach was on his computer probably listing to music since he had his headphones on, and Corbyn and Jonah was just talking. I went over to Zach and sat down beside him. He looked up at me and removed his headphones. "What's up?" he asked as he sat his computer on the ground. "Have you seen that people are shipping us on instagram?" i asked while laughing. "No way! Why though?" he asked confused. "Because of what you comment on my insta pic! People said that it was so cute because you were sticking up for me, so know they are commenting #Zabi everywhere" i laughed of the thought of me and Zach together. Like we do not match at all! What are these people thinking. Yeah he's cute, funny, super sweet and very handsome to..... wait what. were did all that come from. I DON'T like Zach at all!! "Abigail!" "Sorry what" "Have you even been paying attention to what i just said" he asked while looking me in the eyes. I got a really weird feeling in my stomach. I felt a lump in my throat as i answered him. "No sorry" i said and got a little bit embarrassed. Why do i get nervous. It's just Zach! What is going on with me. I must be getting sick. "As i said. It's so funny because there will never be anything between us. You're like a sister to me and you can't date your sister" he said and chuckled. Right when he said that my heart immediately sinked. Why did i get so sad when i heard that. I must've be getting sick. I don't like Zach! i can't like Zach.

This was i short chapter! i'm sorry. I will be posting i new chapter tomorrow if i have time and if i remember it. I hope you guys are enjoying my story. okay byeeeeeeee
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