Chapter 20

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Abi's POV

I walked out in the the backyard and sat down on one of the rocks. I heard footsteps coming towards me so I turned around to see who it was. Zach! Of course. I got up from the rock and walked further away from him. "Abi please can we just talk?" He said. I didn't answer him and just continued to walk. He catches up with me and and put his hand on my wrist to stop me from going. "Let go of my hand Zach! I don't want to talk to you!" I said and tried to get my hand free from his grip but I didn't work. "Abi please I'm so sorry" he said and tried looking me ins this eyes but I just looked down at the ground. "I didn't mean any of the things I said. I was just really jealous and sad and I let it all go out on you" he said sounding like he was about to cry. "Why? Why were you jealous?" I asked while tears were forming in my eyes. "Because. I ask you on a date and you say no and the next thing I know is that you are hanging out with some dude who also flirted with you on Instagram" "there is nothing going on between me and Hayes. I said to him that I only wanted to be friends with him and he agreed" I said and first now looked Zach in the eyes. "But why can't we be together? I like you and you like me?" Zach asked and looked down at the ground. "Umm.. okay that's a longer story. I haven't really told anyone about this. The only person who knows is Mia" I said while I went back to the rocks and sat down. "You know you can tell me everything" Zach said and sat down next to me. "Okay so um.. when I was 15 I was in a serious relationship with a guy named Alex. I really loved him and I thought he loved me too. Turns out it was all fake. I let him know everything about me. He knew all my issues and all my weaknesses. He was also the guy I lost my virginity to. We had been together for about 6 months and I wanted to make sure that you know I didn't regretted it after. But right after that night he broke up with me. He told everyone about me and him having sex and said that I begged him for it. He told everyone at school that I had anger issues. He basically told everyone all my deepest secrets. Since that day I have been afraid to let somebody in, and that is why I said no to go on I date with you" I said while tears were running down my face. Zach didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around me and I just cried into his chest. "I am so sorry! I didn't know. But just so you know! I would never do that to you. How can a person do that to a sweet and beautiful girl like you. You are so much better without him" Zach said. "Thanks Zach" I said and smiled as I looked up to his face. We were inches apart from each other. Zach stared to lean in and so did I. "Hey guys we are going to chipotle yo... oh sorry did I interrupt something?" Corbyn said. "No no we are coming now" I said and got up. I held a hand out for Zach and he grabbed. We walked hand in hand to the car. I loved the feeling of me and him holding hands. Maybe Zach was something different. Maybe I should just give it a chance.

Okay.. so umm... WE ARE ANOUT TO HIT 30k!!! WHAT?? IM.. I don't know what to say. Thank you guys.

And also #jachary is real everyone!!
They looooooove each other

And also #jachary is real everyone!!They looooooove each other

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Love hurts - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now