Chapter 19

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"Abi look at me! What happened?" Jonah asked. We were still on the floor and I was still crying but not as much as before. I couldn't tell him was Zach said. He would be so angry at Zach and I don't want that, plus Jonah doesn't know me and Zach like each other. Or should I say liked each other. " I..I... I'm okay!" I said and got up and removed the tears running down my face. "No you are not fine. I've never seen you cry so much before and now you are totally fine?" Jonah said. "Yeah I'm fine! It was nothing" I said. I didn't wanna talk to Jonah about this. He's just gonna say that he was right. He was the one that told me that boys are gonna hurt me after all. "Abi please tell me what's wrong! I just wanna help you" "I'm okay!" I said and walked into the kitchen. "Abi please talk to me" Jonah said and followed me. I came into the kitchen and all the boys were there also Zach. I looked at him and gave him a dirty look and walked right past him. He didn't even look like he regretted saying all that stuff to me.

Zach's POV

I regretted everything. Hearing her crying for so long broke my heart. I don't know why I said all those things. The boys had asked so many questions about what happened but I didn't wanna tell them. I felt so bad. After what felt like ages she stopped crying. Her and Jonah came into the kitchen and I think she was surprised to see me. She gave me a dirty look and you could see the hurt in her eyes. She went past me and outside. What have I done? Seeing her with that boy made me angry and sad at the same time and I just got really jealous. I just fucked it all up!

Hey!! No I'm not dead I have just been so sick but now I'm all fine and I'm gonna update so much now. New chapter is coming tomorrow.
Am I the only one who thinks it's so sad that the something different tour is over?? Okay byeeee

Love hurts - Zach HerronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora