Chapter 13

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So chapter 12 was Abi's POV. And this chapter will be Zachs. So it's the same day as the last chapter!

Zach's POV
I woke up, laying under Daniel and Jonahs bed as usual. How do I end up down here? I got up from the floor and went into the kitchen. The other boys were out there talking. " morning Zach! We are going over to Logan's you wanna come?" Daniel asked. " nah I don't feel very well today so I'm probably going to just stay home" I answered while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. Since yesterday, I've had a really weird feeling in my stomach. It actually hurts a lot. I'm probably getting sick. "Okay! Call us if you get better" jack said and they all walked out of the front door. I sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen I checked my social medias. I heard a loud sound like someone just felt, and then I heard Abi's laughter. Oh that laugh! It was so contagious and cute. I could listen to it all day. Okay where did all that come from. I never thought about Abi that way before. Something is wrong. But I can't like her. She likes somebody else. He's probably an f boy and she doesn't deserve him. "Good morning Zach" Abi said while walking over to the fridge. Arg she is making me so annoyed. "Morning" I said still looking down on my phone. "So where are the other boys" she asked agin. Can she just leave me alone. I didn't even wanna answer her so I just shrugged my shoulders and went into the living room. I could hear that she went back into her room so I made my way into the kitchen again. I could hear her talk to Mia. "So the only person who is home is Zach" I could hear Abi say. "Really where are the other boys?" Mia asked. "Don't know? I tried to ask Zach but he just shrugged his shoulders and walked into the living room. He didn't even look at me. Did I do something wrong" Abi asked. Yeah you have a crush on somebody that isn't me! No why do I keep thinking these things? I don't like Abi! At all!!

Some time past and I was just in my room lying on my bed. I heard a knock and somebody came in. It was Abi. "Hey Zach! Mia and I are going out! We will probably be home tonight" "okay" was the only thing I said not even paying attention. As she closed the door I could hear her mumbled "whatever" I wanted to run after her and say sorry but I couldn't get myself to do it. I feel so bad if the way i treated her.

Text between Daniel and Zach:

Z: hey bro! I need to talk to you!

D: yeah sure what's up??

Z: so umm! Yesterday I overheard Abi saying something about her liking a boy and he didn't like her back and he is driving her crazy. Ever since then my stomach has hurt and I'm really annoyed with Abi. Why?

D: oh young love!

Z: what do you mean??

D: I mean that you are totally head over heals for Abi and you're jealous because she has a crush on a boy that isn't you!

Z: yeah right! Nah Dannyboy I don't like Abi at all.

D: yeah you do

Z: no I don't

D: yes

Z: no

D: yes


D: admit it! You have a crush on abi!

Z: I have a crush on Abi
Z: ugh stupid autocorrect!

D: that was not autocorrect talking! That was your heart! ♥️

Z: whatever! She likes someone else so it's a waste of time!

D: I'm sorry man! I really am!

Z: nah it's fine! It's just a little crush, it's over in a day or two!

D: if you say so! Now you need to come over to Logan! We are planning on breaking in at the team 10 house!

Z: don't worry I'm on my way!

So umm I kinda know where this story is going but thank y'all for some great ideas in the comments some of them may will be used in this story. Please come with more ideas!!
Okaau byeeeeeee

Love hurts - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now