Chapter 25

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- Lindy POV -

"Guys, I've decided to do this."

"Do what?" tanya Drave yang berada disampingku.

"Let you guys kill myself."

Mereka semua berhenti berbicara masing-masing. Senyum dan tawa mereka sebelumnya langsung menghilang. Mereka menatapku seperti sedang melihat hantu, terutama Drave dan Charles, jika bisa mungkin kedua mata mereka akan terlepas dari tempatnya. Audrey adalah orang pertama yang kembali menangis lalu menggeleng kepala dengan pelan.

"No Lindy, please don't do this," katanya.

"But I have to," Ku tatap satu-satu wajah mereka. Lalu berhenti di Charles. "This is my choice."

"Lindy, you don't have to do this. We can find another way," kata Drave.

Aku menggeleng. "Is there any other way? No. Guess it's the only one."

"Please don't Lindy," Rachel hold my hand.

"I'll do it, I don't care if you guys try to stop me." kataku.

"We can't kill you Lindy," kata William.

"If no one can kill me, then I'll kill myself." Yes, I will kill myself for them.

"But have you think about the consequences?" tanya Charles.

"Yes Char," Aku memejamkan mata sambil menarik nafas, kemudian membuka mata lalu menghembuskan nafasku. "Maybe if I die I can save you all and maybe you'll be happy and have an amazing life."

"But it means nothing without you!" Rachel said now sobbing like crazy.

"It's okay though,"

"I don't want you to go Lindy," Audrey memegang tanganku yang satunya, karena Rachel masih memegang tangan kananku.

"I'm not going anywhere," ucapku.

"Wait!" William memegang dagunya dan berpikir sejenak. Kemudian ia tersenyum lebar. "Yes! Of course you're not going anywhere, Drave will change you!" seru William.

"Change me?" tanyaku.

"Yepp, since you're a human maybe we can change you after you die so you'll alive but ofc as a vampire, not a human anymore." kata William.

Drave mengangguk. "Yeah, I think it's a good idea Will,"

"I know I'm smart enough haha!" William said, smiling widely.

"But I dunno, do you agree or not if I change you into a vampire?

Vampire? Am I ready for this?

Aku menggelengkan kepalaku. "I really don't know,"

"If it's the only way to get Lindy back to life, then let's do it. Before Lindy die, Drave will drink Lindy's blood and Lindy will drink Drave's blood." kata Charles serius.

"Whoaaaa, why do I have to drink blood...again?" I groan.

"Because you should," Charles said.

"Now, do you agree to become a vampire like us?" tanya Drave padaku.

William tersenyum lebar menunggu jawaban dariku. Rachel, Audrey, dan Lizy juga tampaknya menunggu jawabanku. Trevor dan Trent berdiri bersampingan hanya diam. Come on Lindy, it's now or never.

"Fine, I agree."

"YEAAAAHH!!!!!" Wiliiam melompat-lompat seperti anak kecil yang baru saja mendapat permen lolipop sekarung.

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