Chapter 26

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I'm sweating and I feel my palm is getting cold every second by now. Drave berdiri disampingku dengan tenang. This is it. Malam ini adalah malam yang besar dan mungkin akan menjadi hari terakhir aku menjadi manusia, karena nanti setelah aku terbangun aku akan menjadi vampire seperti Drave dan yang lainnya. Audrey, Rachel, dan Lizy sudah dibawa ke tempat lain supaya aman dari Nate dan vampire hunters. Walaupun mereka bertiga bukan vampire, tapi bisa saja vampire hunters membunuh mereka karena mereka masuk dalam daftar musuh.

Aku mendapat informasi kalau vampire hunters sudah mengelilingi mansion. Beberapa bangunan hancur karena ulah senjata mereka. Dan sekarang the boys sedang bersiap-siap, Trent dan Dexter pergi mengambil asupan darah bagi mereka untuk menambah kekuatan. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. But I have to ask something before doing the idea.

"Hey Trevor," Aku mencolek lengannya dari belakang.


"Can I ask you something,"

"Yep, just ask and I'll answer as much as I can," katanya.

"When Nate drank my blood, me and him got a connection. But how about your mother? I gave her my blood too,"

"Nate was taking your blood a little too much, I mean it's overdose and that's why you and him got a connection. Your blood power is really strong, and your blood is streaming down in his body." jelasnya.

"Oh I see,"

"But a witch told me, if you can control your own power then you can control him whatever you want, he is your doll." katanya.

"Huh? I don't know what the heck is you're talking about,"

Trevor mengangkat bahunya naik turun. "Neither I,"

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

Trevor mengangguk.

"If I give you guys my blood, will you get more stronger?"

"Of course we will. But I think it's not a good idea since your blood scent is too strong. I'm afraid other vampire will get attract and chasing after you," kata Trevor.

"But I want to give it,"

"What do you want to give? And for who?" suara Drave terdengar dibelakangku.

"She said she wants to give us her blood," Trevor said, f*ck you Trevor.

Drave memegang tanganku. "Is it true Lindy?"

Aku mengangguk. "Please Drave, I just want to help you and the rest of lads, remember when your dad said my blood power will gone when I'm dead or become a vampire? That's why I want to give you before my power's gone."

"But you don't have to, we already strong and I don't want to hurt you just because you want to give us a little drop of your blood," kata Drave menatapku dalam.

"I don't care, I'll give it."

"No no no no no no no no no no n-"

Aku menutup mulut Drave. "Yes! And that's the final,"

Kalau tidak salah, aku masih membawa dagger kecil yang secara misterius ada dikantung celanaku saat aku dan the girls bersembunyi diruangan penuh meja, kursi, lemari. Ku raba kantungku dan benar saja, dagger itu masih ada disana. Drave menatap dagger ini lama, kemudian ia terkejut.

"Where did you get this thing?" tanyanya.

"Huh? I found this in my back jeans pocket, I thought it was you who put this dagger,"

"I never put this thing, I swear," katanya.

"Then who?"

Drave menggeleng. "I have no idea,"

Blood Sucker (SEDANG DIREVISI)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang